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The Sookie Stackhouse Companion Page 37

  Cluviel dor: A fairy love token. The cluviel dor grants just one wish to the one to whom it is given, but its potential is enormous as long as the wish is based in love. (DR)

  Coburn, Parker (vampire): Parker, Palomino, and Rubio wind up staying in Eric’s Area Five after Katrina, nesting together in Minden. The trio is called upon to help with Victor’s assassination. Though not much of a brawler, Parker does his best to help Palomino as she takes down Unknown Enemy Vamp #2. (DR)

  Collins, Reverend: No first name given. Reverend Collins preaches at Sookie’s Methodist church. (FDTW)

  Collins, Callie: Heavyset Callie is just one of many cooks who briefly works at Merlotte’s. (DD)

  Collins, Jim: Jim’s wife, Della, dies around the time of the vampires’ Great Revelation, and the Texan’s loneliness morphs into hatred toward first the vampires and then the shifters; he blogs about them on his website, set up to espouse his views. He is a good friend of Don, Bernie Merlotte’s second husband. Jim considers Don’s shooting of Bernie justified. His extremism eliminates his compassion toward all animals, and he shoots all of the dogs at the local animal shelter to drive his point home after posting a sign on Bernie’s lawn about dogs belonging at the pound.

  Jim and Sarah Newlin connect online, and she sneaks into the area to encourage like-minded people to disrupt Craig and Deidra’s wedding. Jim suggests and then demands that he and Sarah go next door and start shooting people in Bernie’s backyard at the after-party. When she refuses, he calls her a hypocrite and shoots her. Sarah is wounded but shoots back, and Jim collapses and dies. Jim’s body and the injured Sarah are found in his house by Sookie and Luna, whose sensitive shifter nose picks up the scent of something dead. (Dies STW)

  Colman (fairy): No other name given. Colman is the father of Claudine’s child and seeks revenge on Sookie for their deaths. At first he cannot bring himself to kill her outright, so he considers and dismisses a plan to kidnap Hunter, then concocts a scheme involving Basim al Saud, a dead body on Sookie’s land, and an anonymous tip to the police to have her arrested and incarcerated. When that fails, he watches her, waiting for an opportunity to do harm. He stands with Claude when they are attacked by Alexei and attempts to stab Sookie after Alexei is staked, but skewers Ocella instead, killing him. Disabled by a knife thrown by Dermot, Colman cannot defend himself when Eric seizes him and drains him for killing his maker. (Dies DITF; mentioned DAG)

  Colton: No last name given. At the urging of his girlfriend, Audrina, Colton moved from Reno, where he worked in a club for Felipe, and he’s now a server at Vampire’s Kiss. He is more aware of the goings-on of the supernatural world than most humans, courtesy of his half brother, Chico, a vampire. Having heard about Sookie, Colton is able to send her a mental message to keep Eric and Pam from using fairy blood–tainted glasses at the bar. Furious at Victor for punishing Chico’s insubordination by killing their mother, he and Audrina participate in the massacre at Fangtasia. Colton survives the night but loses Audrina in the battle. (DR)

  Colton and Chico’s mother: No name given. Mother to both Colton and vampire Chico, she becomes a victim of Chico’s insolence to Victor. Victor has her kidnapped, cuts out her tongue, and force-feeds it to Chico. Violently ill from ingesting the bloodied flesh, Chico is unable to save his mother as she bleeds to death. (Deceased; mentioned DR)

  Compton, Caroline: Bill’s wife, Caroline, celebrates his safe return home from the war only to find herself a widow after Bill is attacked and taken by Lorena, leaving her to raise their two children alone. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID, DITF, DR)

  Compton, Fuller: Fuller, one of Bill’s descendants, was the sole policeman in Bon Temps back in the 1930s and investigated the Isaiah Wechsler murder. (Deceased; mentioned IIHAH)

  Compton, Jessie: Jessie is descended from Bill’s son Tom and is the last “living” Compton of that family. When he dies, the family home reverts back to Bill. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID, DD)

  Compton, Mr.: No first name given. Bill’s father died while he was away soldiering in the Civil War. (Deceased; mentioned DUD)

  Compton, Mrs.: No first name given. Bill’s mother’s maiden name was Loudermilk. (Deceased; mentioned DUD)

  Compton, Robert: Bill’s older brother Robert dies at age twelve of an infection. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID)

  Compton, Sarah: Bill’s sister Sarah’s young man dies in the Civil War, and she remains unmarried. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID)

  Compton, Sarah Isabelle: Bill’s daughter, named for her aunt, has a daughter named Caroline, who marries her cousin and has her own daughter Caroline, who marries a Bellefleur. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, LDID, DITF)

  Compton, William “Bill” (vampire): Under the orders of his queen, Bill Compton, Confederate soldier, returns to claim his family home in Bon Temps upon the death of his last direct descendant. Told to seek out Sookie Stackhouse, he finds her at her job at Merlotte’s, but when he foolishly goes out to the parking lot with a couple who offer him blood and sex, he is bound with silver chains as they try to drain him to sell his blood, and he is rescued by the very woman he has been sent to evaluate. A few nights later he returns the favor when she is attacked by the couple who attempted to drain him; he kills them both and gives a gravely injured Sookie his blood to heal. Sookie soon becomes far more than an assignment.

  After taking Sookie to Fangtasia, looking for information about several women murdered in the area, Bill is dismayed that she catches the attention of Eric Northman, vampire sheriff of Area Five. Bill seeks a position in the vampire hierarchy himself to protect Sookie. He successfully campaigns for and becomes the Area Five investigator. Under Eric’s orders, they travel together to Dallas to find Farrell, the nest mate of sheriff Stan Davis. Sookie is sent to infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun during the day, and upon waking, Bill is alerted to the fact that she is in trouble by a young telepath whom Sookie was able to contact at the hotel. Bill is searching for her when she is brought back to the hotel, and he rushes back to her side. During the celebration of Farrell’s safe rescue, the Fellowship of the Sun fires on Stan’s house, and Bill is among the vampires who give chase to their assailants, leaving Sookie in the company of Eric. Disappointed in Bill, Sookie returns home, and they remain estranged for several weeks. After their reconciliation, Bill must leave town, and he returns to find that Sookie has asked Eric to protect her during an orgy she is attending to gather information about the death of Lafayette Reynold. Bill arrives in time to witness maenad Callisto’s madness infect the orgy participants, and he takes Sookie home after he and Eric clean up the mess.

  Looking through his family Bible, Bill realizes that he still has descendants in the area, the Bellefleur family, and sets up an anonymous legacy. When he’s summoned by his maker, Lorena, he stashes his computer in Sookie’s hidden vampire retreat. He briefly surrenders to the will of his maker, becoming her lover once again, but she soon reveals that her true intent is to acquire the database. When seduction doesn’t bring the results she wants, she turns to torture. Sookie kills Lorena during Bill’s rescue, and she angrily questions his feelings for her. Bill continues to profess his love and explain the situation with his maker, but he soon leaves on a research trip for the database. Upon his return, he discovers that Sookie and an amnesic Eric have become intimate. Still trying to win her back, Bill takes Sookie back to his house after her kitchen is set on fire, ready to care for her. He reacts badly when he walks in on Sookie and Sam kissing at Merlotte’s, and he soon brings in a date to retaliate. After helping Sookie by staking her cousin’s killer, Bill offers his services should she need help settling her cousin’s estate. Although she declines, he joins her on her trip to New Orleans. After she is attacked by Jake Purifoy, Eric forces Bill to admit to Sookie that she was an assignment from the queen. Devastated, Sookie sends him away. He saves her from Jade Flower at the queen’s spring party and shows up at her door to wearily tell her that he genuinely loves her, but Sookie is unable to forgive him.
br />   Bill continues seeing Selah Pumphrey while Sookie moves on, but he remains adamant in his love for her and watches over her. He arrives at her house the night of the takeover, worried that several vampires have suddenly lost touch. After the arrival of Victor Madden, Bill agrees to the terms of surrender, but not before telling Victor that he would willingly die for Sookie. He proves his words when Sookie is kidnapped by fairies Lochlan and Neave. Bill and Niall track her, and Bill kills Neave, who manages to bite him with her silver-capped teeth. Sickened with silver poisoning, Bill still manages to stand in front of Sookie when Breandan’s forces arrive, killing Breandan himself with Sookie’s trowel.

  Although deathly ill, Bill takes his family Bible to Caroline Bellefleur and tells her of their family connection—she is his great-granddaughter. Caroline is amused and delighted by the news, but passes away the next day. At Bill’s request, Portia arranges a nighttime funeral so that he can attend. While he is with his newfound family after the funeral, Sookie sneaks into his home to find out how to contact his one vampire sibling, whose blood can help him heal. Judith Vardamon arrives, pleased to be able to see Bill again, but he soon realizes that Judith continues to have feelings for him, which he still does not return. That is the reason they parted before. She overhears him speaking to Sookie about it and tells them that she will leave because she deserves better. When Bud Dearborn calls with word that Sandra Pelt, who was arrested earlier in the evening for her attempts on Sookie’s life, has escaped custody, Bill offers to watch over Sookie’s house to keep her safe.

  Bill is in his daytime sleep when Sookie runs to his house to escape two men who have come to kidnap her, but she is able to locate him in the crawl space under his kitchen. As Sookie crouches over him, he surfaces several times, only to fall back asleep. He finally rouses and comes to her aid, making certain the kidnappers have left before escorting her home. Finding Dermot bleeding in the attic, Bill must leave as he fights off the intoxicating scent of the fairy blood. Bill returns to his own home, but he is called back to Sookie’s later that night to convince Bubba to play his part in the plot to assassinate Victor. Bill is responsible for getting Bubba to and from Fangtasia when the time comes, and he leads the frazzled singer to safety when the mayhem begins, pausing briefly to kill one of Victor’s vamps. After Bubba leaves to find his own place to sleep, Bill returns and speaks to Eric, who has not bothered to soothe Sookie’s pain while taking her blood. Bill drives Sookie home, allowing her the silence for her own thoughts, but they begin to talk once they’re at her house, and she describes her feelings about the deaths at Fangtasia and then tells him the whole story of Eric’s contract with Freyda, admitting that she had broken the blood bond even before finding out. Although he dislikes and distrusts Eric, Bill offers advice as a friend, telling her to let Eric make up his own mind about what to do. (DUD, LDID, CD, DTTW, DN, DAAD, OWA, DD, ATD, L, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR; mentioned FD, GW, STW, IIHAH)

  Connie the Corpse (vampire): No other name given. Connie, with her smooth voice, is the early night DJ on KDED, the Baton Rouge–based all-vampire radio station. (DAAD)

  Cooper, Maria-Star (wolf):Gentle Maria-Star joins her pack to attack Hallow and Mark Stonebrook at Bill Compton’s house and is gravely injured when she is hit by their car as the witches flee the scene. Taken to the hospital by Sookie, she manages to comprehend the story Sookie has concocted about her injuries and play along for the police investigating her hit-and-run. She has recovered in time for the packmaster contest, where she comforts a distraught Alcide Herveaux after his father’s defeat and death, and they begin dating soon after.

  Maria-Star is content in her professional life, working for photographer Al Cumberland as his assistant and makeup artist, and in her personal life, as she and Alcide become serious. They have just started discussing her moving in with him when she is brutally murdered in her apartment. Alcide is devastated and vows vengeance on Patrick Furnan, who he believes is behind her murder, only to find that Patrick’s wife, Libby, is also a victim of a female Were packleader named Priscilla Hebert. Alcide and Patrick work together to kill Cal Myers, the actual killer of Maria-Star, Libby, and Christine Larrabee. Patrick Furnan is killed during the ensuing battle with Priscilla’s pack, and Alcide ascends to packmaster without Maria-Star by his side. She is survived by her parents and three younger brothers. (DTTW, DAAD, DD; dies FDTW; mentioned DITF)

  Cooper, Matthew and Stella (wolves): The parents of Maria-Star; they mourn her death along with her three nonshifter brothers. (Mentioned FDTW)

  Copper: No other name given. Copper’s willingness to show Sookie and Barry the security tapes at the Monteagle Archery Company in Rhodes is her undoing. She is murdered before they return to view the tapes. (Dies ATD)

  Corinna (vampire): No last name given. Victor’s vamp Corinna joins Bruno in an attempt to kill Sookie and Pam, waiting on the side of the road and flagging them down as they drive back to Bon Temps late one night. Pam easily defeats her with her bare hands, leaving Sookie with a knife to tackle Bruno. (FDTW; dies DITF; mentioned DR)

  Corinne: No last name given. Corinne, the manicurist and pedicurist at Janice Herveaux Phillips’s salon, cheerfully pampers Sookie during her stay in Jackson. (CD)

  Coughlin, Mike: Shreveport detective Coughlin investigates the killings at Verena Rose’s Bridal and Formal Shop, unaware that the bodies he is looking at are supernatural in nature. He inadvertently remains connected to the supe world when he is partnered with Were Cal Myers but does suspect something odd about his new co-worker. (DTTW, DD; mentioned FDTW)

  Coyote shifter: No name given. A beautician who comes out around the Great Reveal, much to the dismay of one of her longtime clients, who also discovers that she is the granddaughter of a werelynx. (Mentioned DAG)

  Crane, Claude (fairy): Claudine’s brother, Claude, is six feet tall, with brown eyes, long dark hair, and ears surgically altered to appear more human. He is an exotic dancer who prefers men to women but who has “visited the other side of the fence.” Narcissistic in the extreme, Claude generally does what is best for Claude. After losing both of his sisters, however, Claude moves in with Sookie, ostensibly for companionship but in reality to protect her from Colman, the father of his late sister Claudine’s child, both lost in the Fae War. Claude proves to be a surprisingly pleasant roommate for Sookie and actually seems to enjoy playing with Hunter Savoy when Sookie babysits him for the night. Together, Claude and Sookie are able to break the spell on Sookie’s great-uncle (and Claude’s half-uncle) Dermot. As fairies draw comfort from other fae, Claude and Dermot remain living with Sookie until Claude is told to move out after allowing Alcide Herveaux into Sookie’s bed to wait for her, despite the fact that she is involved with Eric. (FD, DAAD, DD, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR)

  Crane, Claudette (fairy): Triplet to Claudine and Claude, Claudette apparently does not share the caring nature of Claudine and often doesn’t even bother to put on the charm Claude can assume when he pleases. When Claudette is murdered with pure lemon juice, Claudine asks Sookie for her help identifying the murderer by reading three potential human suspects. When the culprit turns out to be the owner of the strip club where both Claude and Claudette worked as exotic dancers, instead of human justice, the payment for the murder is the deed to the club—and the hunt. As Claudine says, “Fair is only part of fairy as letters of the alphabet.” (Deceased; mentioned FD, DAG, DITF, DR)

  Crane, Claudine (fairy): Tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed, well-endowed Claudine first strolls into Merlotte’s on New Year’s Eve. She eventually reveals that she is Sookie’s fairy godmother, and her mission is to try to prevent disasters in Sookie’s life and help her recover from those she can’t prevent. Sometimes it is with advice—ranging from fashion tips to telling Sookie not to attend the summit in Rhodes and warning her about Dermot and Breandan. Other times Claudine’s help is more action-packed. She pops into Sookie’s car when Sookie almost falls asleep and also pops into the middle of the Were war to stand over Sookie and guard he
r from the battling Weres. Her last act is protecting Sookie when Breandan attacks Dr. Ludwig’s clinic. A pregnant Claudine attempts to stop Breandan from killing Sookie, but she dies in the process. Claudine once told Sookie that she was working on becoming an angel, but she appears to her father, Dillon, as part of her death ritual, so she currently resides in the Summerland. (DTTW, FD, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW; dies DAG; mentioned DITF, DR)

  Crawdad Diner: Perdita and Crawdad Jones opened their diner in the 1940s. After Perdita’s retirement, she gave her recipes to subsequent owner Ralph Tooten with the caveat that the business remain named for her late husband. Ralph’s arthritis didn’t allow him to keep the diner for long, but he maintained Crawdad’s name by selling to Pinkie Arnett with the same condition. Located in the oldest part of Bon Temps and once somewhat of a dive, the restaurant is well-known by locals who go there to enjoy traditional Southern foods, including fried green tomatoes, country-fried steak, and Perdita’s bread pudding. (DUD, DITF; mentioned DR)

  Crimmins, Patricia (wolf): Patricia is one of the three St. Catherine Parish wolves who surrender to Alcide after Priscilla Hebert’s failed attempt to take over the Shreveport pack. Alcide chooses her to reveal herself on camera when the shifters come out because she is pretty, shapely, and, quite frankly, the new girl. When Alcide begins seeing Annabelle, Patricia is jealous, even though she is seeing Hamilton Bond, and she aids and abets Ham when he kills Basim and buries him on Sookie’s property. When Sookie “sees” her guilt, Patricia throws herself on the mercy of the pack, but Jannalynn convinces Alcide that Patricia is a traitor and should die with Hamilton. Assumed deceased. (FDTW, DAG, DITF)

  Crimmons, Booth (vampire): Gervaise’s second-in-command. Booth and his vamps, along with Sigebert, are guarding Sophie-Anne during her recovery. He is out during the actual takeover, having left his child Audrey in charge. His status remains unknown. (Mentioned FDTW)