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The Sookie Stackhouse Companion Page 46

  Pearl (vampire): No last name given. Victor’s vamp Pearl and two of her cohorts forcibly stop Pam as she tries to enter Vampire’s Kiss to check out the club before Eric and Sookie arrive. Pearl suffers an injured arm for her trouble, and all three require blood to heal. (Mentioned DR)

  Pelt, Barbara (wolf): The adoptive mother of Debbie and Sandra Pelt. Barbara and her husband, Gordon, indulge their Were daughter Sandra’s determination to find the truth of her werefox sister’s disappearance, hiring first private detectives to search for clues and then a private hit man to clean up when Sandra, breaking the rules of their Mississippi pack, bites and turns two young men, sending them after Sookie. They also send Debbie’s birth cousin, werefox Tanya Grissom, to spy on Sookie by getting hired as a waitress at Merlotte’s. When their plan to kidnap Sookie in New Orleans to force her to tell the truth fails and they are taken captive by Sookie, Quinn, Eric, and Rasul instead, they listen and accept Sookie’s recounting of the night Debbie was killed and give their word that there will be no further attempts on Sookie. Barbara and Gordon are killed in a traffic accident, leaving Sandra free to seek vengeance against Sookie. (DD; dies; mentioned DAAD, FDTW, DR)

  Pelt, Debbie (fox): Debbie Pelt won’t let go of Alcide Herveaux. Even during her engagement celebration to another man, werefox Debbie can’t resist a few pointed comments to Alcide and Sookie, his date. After being bested verbally by Sookie, Debbie retaliates by burning a hole in Sookie’s shawl. That altercation is indicative of Debbie: She always retaliates. After breaking off her engagement and convincing Alcide that Sookie has reunited with Bill, Debbie renews her relationship with Alcide, who is dismayed when he realizes that she lied about Sookie and Bill being together. When Debbie joins the Weres for the Witch War, everyone is appalled when Bill identifies Debbie as one of the shifters who tortured him at Russell’s compound, and Alcide finally abjures her, essentially banishing her existence from his life. Debbie is not allowed to leave after being abjured for fear she will betray them all to Hallow, and she enters the building when the skirmish begins, trying to take advantage of the chaos to kill Sookie. She is stopped by Eric but gets away, only to break into Sookie’s house and lie in wait with a gun. Eric takes the bullet meant for Sookie, and Debbie is cut down by a blast fired by Sookie from Jason’s Benelli shotgun. Eric disposes of Debbie’s body and her car and promptly forgets how and where as the amnesia spelled on him by Hallow is lifted and he regains his full memory but loses his recent memory of events during the time he was cursed. Debbie’s sister and parents search for clues to her disappearance, hiring private detectives to trace her, but the only person who truly knows what happened is Sookie, who lives in fear that Eric will remember and realize the hold he has over her. The Pelt family finally learns what happened to Debbie after attempting to kidnap Sookie, and almost a year after that night, Eric finally remembers where he hid her body and her car. (CD; dies DTTW; mentioned DAAD, DD, FDTW, DITF, DR)

  Pelt, Gordon (wolf): Debbie and Sandra Pelt’s adoptive father, Gordon, and his wife, Barbara, use private detectives to search for clues into Debbie’s disappearance, at daughter Sandra’s insistence, and arrange for Tanya Grissom, Debbie’s cousin by birth, to spy on Sookie in Bon Temps. The Pelts also hire a Were to take care of the problem when Sandra violates the rules of the Mississippi pack, biting and turning two young men to send after Sookie. The Pelts all work together to have Sookie kidnapped in New Orleans, but the plan backfires when Sookie and Quinn escape, and the family is captured by Sookie, Quinn, Rasul, and Eric instead. Sookie tells them the truth about what happened to Debbie and, knowing their daughter, they accept Sookie’s story and promise that they will no longer interfere in her life. Gordon informs Sandra that they have given their word and that he will take her down himself if she breaks it. She abides by the vow until Gordon and Barbara are killed in a traffic accident and then begins to plot revenge against Sookie once more. (DD; dies; mentioned DAAD, FDTW, DR)

  Pelt, Sandra (wolf): Sandra adores her adopted older sister, Debbie, and is determined to investigate her disappearance. Unsatisfied by the report from the private detectives hired by her parents, Sandra decides to take matters into her own hands to find the truth. Violating the rules of her Mississippi pack, she turns two young men, and sends them to attack Sookie. When Sookie is defended by Quinn and the young men are arrested, Sandra’s parents arrange for their elimination to protect their daughter. Sandra then makes arrangements with her parents to kidnap Sookie, take her to an isolated house, and force her to talk. That plan fails when Quinn is captured as well, and he and Sookie are able to escape, tracking their captors to the house and taking the Pelts prisoner with the help of Eric and Rasul. Sandra is forced by her parents to accept the fact that Debbie attacked Sookie and was killed in self-defense, and reluctantly promises that no further harm will come to Sookie, a promise she keeps until her parents are killed in a car accident. Sandra then reestablishes contact with Debbie’s birth cousin, werefox Tanya Grissom, who had originally been sent to spy on Sookie but stayed in Bon Temps of her own accord. She bespells Tanya, persuading her to cause problems in Jason and Crystal’s marriage, but Amelia and Octavia are able to remove Sandra’s influence.

  Sandra’s instability increases, and she spends time in jail for assault and battery on a cousin who benefited from the Pelts’ estate. After her release, she again focuses on Sookie, first firebombing Merlotte’s in an attempt to kill her and then hiring four thugs to grab her from the bar. She even attempts to enter Sookie’s house, but Amelia’s wards keep her out. Sandra finally goes to Merlotte’s, screams out her frustration at Sookie’s failure to die, and pulls a gun, only to be thwarted once again, this time by a baseball bat–swinging Terry Bellefleur. Sandra manages to escape from custody while at the hospital being treated for her injuries and lies low until she is able to take Sam and Jannalynn hostage at his trailer in an attempt to lure Sookie from her house. When Sookie balks at going to Sam’s, sensing something is wrong, Sandra forces Sam and Jannalynn to take her to Sookie’s, not knowing that Sookie’s suspicions have her lying in wait in the woods with her shotgun. The blast from the shotgun barely slows Sandra down, but a furious Jannalynn takes advantage and attacks, ultimately breaking Sandra’s neck and then crushing her skull. The body is disposed of through the fairy portal in the woods, much to the savage delight of whatever is just on the other side. (DD; mentioned DAAD, FDTW; dies DR)

  Pepper, Madelyn: Betty Ford Elementary School custodian Madelyn panics when she yells at Cody Cleary, startling him into losing his balance and hitting his head. Mistakenly believing he is dead, she impulsively hides his body in her large garbage bin. She is miserable, and her thoughts betray her to Sookie, who instructs Kenya where to find the child in time to save him. (DD)

  Perkins, Kyle (vampire): Illinois vampire Kyle Perkins is hired to make certain that Henrik Feith does not reveal the identity of the person who encouraged him to pursue the Arkansas case against Sophie-Anne. He hurls wooden arrows at Henrik as he stands on the stage before the court, killing him and wounding Quinn. He loses his own head to the blade of Britlingen Batanya’s throwing star. (Dies ATD)

  Petacki, Alphonse “Tack”: One of Merlotte’s many temporary short-order cooks, Tack briefly dates Arlene before running off with her plates, forks, and CD player. (DTTW; mentioned DAAD)

  Pettibone, Dennis: Dennis is the arson investigator who looks into the fire at Sookie’s house. Divorced with a daughter, Katy, he briefly dates Arlene. (DAAD)

  Pettibone, Katy: Katy is the daughter of Dennis Pettibone. (DAAD)

  Pfeiffer, Trudi: College student Trudi is dating Joseph Velasquez when they are caught in the Midnight Massacre at Stan’s house. She is mortally wounded, and Eric offers to bring her over, but she dies before Sookie can even consider making that decision for her. (Dies LDID)

  Pharr: No other name given. Pharr is the cousin of Holly’s ex-husband, David Cleary. (Mentioned DTTW)

  Phillips, Dell: Dell is as judgment
al as his wife is not. He disapproves of Sookie staying with Alcide in Jackson even though they are adults and in separate bedrooms. (CD; mentioned DAAD)

  Phillips, Janice Herveaux: Alcide Herveaux’s younger sister owns a beauty salon in Jackson. Married with one child, Janice hopes Alcide will settle down with Sookie and be able to cut Debbie Pelt from his life. She knows about her brother’s second nature and loves him unconditionally. (CD, DAAD, DD)

  Phillips, Tommy: Tommy is Janice and Dell’s son. (Mentioned CD, DAAD)

  Phryne (maenad): No last name given. The maenad Phryne sent her madness into the vampire Gregory in St. Petersburg, causing the Halloween Massacre of 1876. Gregory had to be staked, and it took twenty vampires to clean up the results of his insanity. (Mentioned LDID)

  Pickard, Betty Joe (vampire): King Russell Edgington’s second-in-command, Betty Joe dresses like Mamie Eisenhower and hits like Muhammad Ali. When a Fellowship of the Sun member attempts to stake her in Josephine’s, Betty Joe takes him out with two quick punches, snapping his neck and shattering his skull. Fortunately for Bubba, who is captured at Russell’s mansion after Sookie leaves, Betty Joe accepts a phone call from Sookie and believes her when she tells her Bubba’s true identity. She is able to stop the planned crucifixion of the “Elvis impersonator.” (CD)

  Pickens, Maudette: Maudette is the first Bon Temps woman murdered, and the marks on her thighs attest to the rumor that she liked being bitten, leading the investigators to consider a vampire as the killer; but she died of strangulation, not exsanguination. After tapes are discovered of Jason having sex with Maudette, he falls under suspicion for her death and the deaths that follow until the real killer is revealed as Rene Lenier. (Dies DUD)

  Polk, Francie: Francie, her husband, and her three children bed down in the Fellowship of the Sun building for the lock-in so that they can be there to watch the self-immolation of Godfrey and the unwilling immolation of Farrell come the dawn. (LDID)

  Popken, Lindsay: Popular Lindsay is voted Miss Bon Temps the year Sookie graduates from high school. (Mentioned DD)

  Porchia, Diane: Insurance agent Diane is seriously considering selling her business in Bon Temps after processing numerous claims. (L)

  Portugal (wolf): No first name given. On the order of Colonel Flood, Portugal works to ensure that the local Wiccans either assist the Weres and vampires or stay clear of the upcoming Witch War. He is among the victims and is mourned by Culpepper, who sits beside his body and keens her sorrow. (Dies DTTW)

  Prescott, Lorinda: Lorinda artfully decorates her family’s home, located between Sookie’s and Merlotte’s, for Halloween. (Mentioned FDTW)

  Prideaux, Danny: Recently honorably discharged from the army, Danny is working part-time at the home builders’ supply store and several nights a week as a bouncer at Merlotte’s, keeping an eye on new bartender Kennedy Keyes. His interest is more than professional, and his attentions pay off when they begin seeing each other outside of work. They are at Merlotte’s for a drink when the bar is firebombed, and Danny reacts quickly to get Kennedy out of danger. He, Sam, Terry, and Antoine work to get the bar back in order so it can reopen. Danny also spends time in Merlotte’s without Kennedy and is there playing darts with Andy Bellefleur the night four thugs come in and start trouble. He stands his ground, along with Andy, and throws a dart at one of the assailants to distract him before the thug can deliver a blow. (DITF, DR)

  Prudhomme, Rafe: Rafe, a Pelican State Title Company employee, briefly dates Arlene, getting her involved in his church, the Fellowship of the Sun. (Mentioned DD)

  Pryor, Jeneen: Kevin’s mother is controlling of her son, keeping him close. (Mentioned DUD, CD, DTTW, DD, DAG)

  Pryor, Kevin: Quiet and lean patrolman Kevin is usually partnered with Kenya, working the same shifts whenever possible. Notoriously mother-ridden, he shocks Andy Bellefleur when he speaks up to tell him that he cannot use Sookie’s abilities to solve cases after she finds Cody Cleary. He’s convinced that the answers must be found through evidence, not telepathy.

  Kevin stands up for himself again when he and Kenya decide to move in together, despite the dismay of both families. (DUD, LDID, CD, DTTW, DAAD, DD, DAG, DITF; mentioned DR)

  Puckett, Jeff: Jeff works as a bouncer at Hooligans, where his former lover Claude Crane strips. He is angry with Claude’s sister Claudette because she interfered in his relationship with Claude, so he becomes a suspect in Claudette’s death, but he cares too much for Claude to have hurt his sister. Claudine erases his memories of the evening when he is cleared, and Jeff leaves relaxed and happy, having gotten a good-night kiss from Claude. (FD)

  Pulaski, Trish Graham (unspecified shifter): Wright ranch owner Trish monitors the anti-supe websites and is not surprised when told that Jim Collins is involved in the deaths of the dogs at the Los Colmillos County Animal Shelter, a shelter she personally raised the money to build. She joins her lover, Togo, and the other shifters to guard the Merlottes, escorting their cars to the church for Craig and Deidra’s wedding and taking blows herself while protecting them when the crowd gets violent. Trish is dazed and bleeding by the time they reach the church. (STW)

  Pumphrey, Selah: Real estate agent Selah begins dating Bill after he and Sookie break up. She resents Bill’s obvious continued feelings for Sookie and finally moves to Little Rock to work for a large firm that deals with vampire properties. (DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW; mentioned DITF)

  Purifoy, Jake (former wolf, current vampire): Jake is working on Sophie-Anne’s wedding with Special Events, the supernatural offshoot of the highly regarded Extreme(ly Elegant) Events, when he suddenly disappears. He is found by Sookie in the closet of her cousin Hadley’s apartment in New Orleans, turned into a vampire by Hadley after she finds him drained by Jade Flower outside her gates. He has been kept from rising by the stasis spell cast on the apartment by Amelia under Sophie-Anne’s orders. Jake rises, attacks Sookie and Amelia, and is taken into custody to the queen’s headquarters to adjust to being a vampire. A rarity, former Were, current vampire Jake is a stranger in a strange land. He is unable to shift with the moon, so he is no longer part of the pack, but as a Were he is isolated among the vampires. His frustration and loneliness culminate in his alliance with the Fellowship of the Sun in planning the bombing of the Pyramid of Gizeh at the summit in Rhodes. He does suggest that Quinn take Sookie out for the day, in an attempt to spare them, and is last seen lying in his daytime sleep in the hallway of the hotel, apparently headed for Sookie’s room in another last-ditch effort to save her. (DD, ATD)

  Pyramid of Gizeh Hotel: Located in Rhodes outside Chicago, the hotel has a view of the Great Lakes. Built roughly in the shape of a pyramid, all the walls are made of opaque, bronze-colored reflective glass, except for the floor designated for use by guests’ human companions. The main doors are manned by uniformed men to check the guests’ IDs, and there are reproductions of sarcophagi standing in an upright position on each side of the lobby doors.

  The lobby is brightly lit and decorated with murals depicting Egyptian tomb art in an attempt to look like a human hotel. The floors are numbered in reverse order, with number one being the penthouse and number fifteen, the largest and the one used by humans, being the bottom, and a mezzanine area between the human floor and the lobby. The big selling point for any vampire hotel is the security and privacy of its guests, and the Pyramid is no exception: there are armed guards and a metal detector, as well as security cameras spread throughout the building. The staff is specially trained to cater to the needs of their vampire guests, and there is a small restaurant for the human guests.

  The vampire summit is held at the Pyramid, with vampire kings and queens from at least sixteen states attending with their entourages. Sookie works for Louisiana queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq, reading the human companions of the vampire attendees, and testifies when the queen is put on trial for murdering her husband, Peter Threadgill, the former King of Arkansas. The hotel is blown up during the summit by a splinter group of the Fellowship
of the Sun. (ATD; mentioned FDTW, DAG)


  Queen’s monastery: An abandoned monastery deep in the Garden District of New Orleans, the property is owned by Sophie-Anne Leclerq, the vampire Queen of Louisiana, who uses it as a place to entertain. Located among the expensive houses of the area, it is a two-story building surrounded by a high wall. A large featureless structure with only a single small door in the middle of the façade, it is easily defensible with small windows regularly placed. Inside, one of the walls has murals depicting scenes from around the state: a swamp scene, a Bourbon Street montage, a field being plowed and lumber being cut, and a fisherman hoisting up a net in the Gulf Coast. These all seem to be scenes featuring humans. The wall surrounding the doorway shows the vampire side of Louisiana life: a group of happy vampires playing fiddles, a vampire police officer patrolling the French Quarter, and a vampire guide leading tourists through one of the Cities of the Dead. It is the site of Peter Threadgill’s assassination attempt against Sophie-Anne and the fierce battle between the Arkansas and Louisiana vampires. (DD)

  Quiana Wong’s mother: No name given. Half-Chinese, half–African American, Quiana’s mother is killed along with Quiana’s father, Coop, when their car stalls on the railroad tracks. They leave behind their sixteen-year-old daughter and rumors that it wasn’t an accident. (Deceased; mentioned IIHAH)