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The Sookie Stackhouse Companion Page 47

  Quinn, Francine: Frannie is the result of the brutal rape of her mother at the hands of hunters who captured her while she was in tiger form, causing her to revert to human. Frannie tries to take care of her now mentally unstable mother, while her mother tries to deal with her emotionally troubled child. She joins her brother, Quinn, at the summit, surviving the explosion thanks to Sookie’s call, and makes a tentative peace with her brother’s new girlfriend.

  When their mother escapes from the home Quinn has had her committed to and the resultant mess is taken care of by the Nevada vampires, the siblings are first given the choice of Frannie becoming a blood whore or Quinn fighting in the pits. The vampires settle for blackmailing Quinn into providing them with information to help with the takeover of Louisiana and Arkansas. (ATD, FDTW; mentioned DAG, STW)

  Quinn, John (tiger): Widely recognized and respected in the supernatural world, weretiger Quinn is known not only for being a partner in Special Events, the supernatural offshoot of a national event-planning company, but also for his past. After attacking the humans that captured his mother in tiger form and raped her after she shifted back to human, a teenage Quinn was forced to ask the local vampire nest for help cleaning up the scene and so became indebted to them. He worked off his debt by fighting in the pits for three years. The fact that he is one of the few to survive this brutal sport makes him something of a star among the supes.

  Quinn attends Colonel Flood’s funeral in preparation for his upcoming job refereeing the Long Tooth packmaster contest between Jackson Herveaux and Patrick Furnan. He notices Sookie, first with Alcide at the funeral and then with Claudine and Claude at the contest. When she steps forward to accuse Furnan of cheating, Quinn listens to her claims and concurs, sending the pack into a vote on whether to disqualify Furnan. He asks Sookie to try to read the two Weres again just before the final test, and when she is scratched by an apparatus, he licks the blood from her leg and promises that she will see him again. Indeed, he walks into Merlotte’s one night and asks Sookie for a private conversation about both business and pleasure. She agrees, and he follows her to her house, where he first asks her out and then informs her that Queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq is requesting her services at the vampire summit, trumping Eric’s prior request.

  Quinn takes Sookie to the Strand Theatre to see The Producers, and they are attacked by bitten Weres in the parking lot after the show. After filing police reports, he takes Sookie to Hair of the Dog, a shifter bar in the area, where he informs Alcide Herveaux and owner Amanda Whatley that they were attacked and that he expects the local pack to investigate. He next sees Sookie in New Orleans after she has to break their second date to accompany Mr. Cataliades to settle Hadley’s estate. While Quinn is helping her pack up Hadley’s apartment, they are kidnapped by Weres hired by the Pelts, who are convinced that Sookie knows what happened to Debbie. They escape their captors and turn the tables on the Pelts with the help of Eric and Rasul.

  Quinn tries to see Sookie as much as possible but has a hectic schedule. He arranges to take a month off after the vampire summit, where he is also working, to spend time with her, and they consummate their relationship with great hope for the future. They are only able to grab a few moments at the summit. When Quinn comes across Andre forcing Eric to forge a blood bond with Sookie, he becomes enraged with the vampires. Quinn later gets word that Sookie has found a bomb in the hallway outside Sophie-Anne’s room, so he rushes upstairs and tries to persuade her to hand him the bomb, telling her that he will heal faster than she will and that he doesn’t want anything to happen to her. A vampire bomb-disposal expert finally comes and carries the bomb away. After answering all manner of questions, Sookie finally gets to her room, where she finds Quinn waiting outside her door, and they spend the night just holding each other. During the trial of Sophie-Anne the next evening, a vampire in the audience hurls arrows at the stage to kill the last remaining Arkansas vamp at the summit, and Quinn jumps in front of Sookie, taking an arrow to protect her. When Sookie realizes that the hotel is going to blow up, her first action is to warn Quinn and his sister Frannie. Quinn suffers two broken legs but manages to kill Andre, who is lying injured nearby in the rubble, in an attempt to free Sookie from the vampires’ control.

  When Quinn doesn’t contact Sookie after the summit, she assumes the worst—that he has lost interest. In truth, Quinn is dealing with his mentally ill mother, who has escaped from the home in Nevada where he had her committed and killed several tourists. She is found first by the Nevada vamps, who clean up after her and then hold Quinn accountable, telling him they will make his little sister, Frannie, a blood whore, he can fight in the pits, or he can pony up information about the Louisiana vamps. He tries to resist and refrains from contacting Sookie at all, fearing she will become another hostage to be used against him. He is waiting for Sookie in her room when she wakes after the takeover and is devastated when she breaks off their relationship. He tries to see her but is banned from Area Five by Eric. When he sneaks in anyway, Eric sends Bill to divert him, and they get into a fight that ends up injuring Sookie.

  Quinn finally sees Sookie again at the wedding of Sam’s brother. He accepts her relationship with Eric but tells her that if she ever needs him, he will be there for her. (DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, STW; mentioned GW)


  Rachel (vampire): No last name given. Stan’s child, Rachel is also his nest mate. She is killed at the summit when the Pyramid explodes. (LDID; dies ATD)

  Ralph (wolf): No last name given. Ralph works for one of Niall’s businesses as a courier. The huge Were does community theater, so he is the natural choice to play the part of Big Threatening Brute for Niall in his presentation of his Christmas gift to his great-granddaughter Sookie. (GW)

  Rasputin: Grigori Rasputin, a Russian monk, claims to have powers of healing and prediction, taking on the care of the tsarevitch Alexei, who suffers from hemophilia. He uses Ocella’s blood to heal the boy during his episodes with the disease, creating a tie between Ocella and Alexei that Ocella uses to find the boy during the execution of the Russian royal family. (Deceased; mentioned DITF)

  Rasul (vampire): No other name given. After his comrades Melanie and Chester die during Katrina, Rasul is paired with were-vampire Jake Purifoy for guard duty at the summit. Rasul survives both the bombing at the Pyramid and the Nevada takeover of Louisiana and is sent to Michigan as a spy by Victor and Felipe. (DD, ATD; mentioned FDTW, DITF)

  Rattray, Denise: Denise and her husband, Mack, have already spent time in jail for draining vampires, but that doesn’t stop them from luring Bill to the Merlotte’s parking lot, wrapping him in silver chains, and slapping a tourniquet on his arm. Enraged when Sookie rescues Bill, the couple lie in wait for her in the parking lot a few nights later, viciously beating and kicking her until Bill comes to her aid and puts a permanent end to their criminal ways. Bill later destroys their trailer and the surrounding area, making it look as if the two were victims of a tornado. (Dies DUD)

  Rattray, Mack: Mack and his wife, Denise, don’t learn their lesson even after doing time in jail for draining vampires and immediately target Bill when he comes into Merlotte’s, luring him to the parking lot and trapping him with silver chains. They are both furious when Sookie rescues Bill and return to the bar a few nights later to take their revenge, savagely beating her until they are stopped—permanently—by Bill. Bill disguises their deaths as the result of a tornado touching down at their trailer at Four Tracks Corner. (Dies DUD)

  Ravenscroft, Pam (vampire): Turned by Eric at age nineteen in Victorian London, Pam immediately adjusts to the life of a vampire. After spending many years with her maker, first as lover and then as companion, they travel to North America together, where he releases her to go her own way. She remains his loyal child and returns from Minnesota when he calls her to Louisiana to open Fangtasia with him. Like all children, Pam obeys her maker, but unlike some, she does so willingly.

  With a better sense of humor than most vampir
es and a stunning sense of style, Pam becomes something of a friend to Sookie, and she insists on Sookie being told of Bill’s betrayal so that she knows the truth. Yet she is still a vampire who believes that vampires come first and momentarily considers killing both Sookie and Jason when Eric has amnesia and is hiding at Sookie’s house. As Eric’s second-in-command, she leads the vampires into the Witch War, capturing Hallow herself and forcing her to undo the spell on Eric. Pam is among those who attend the summit at Rhodes and is saved during the bombing by Sookie with Eric’s help.

  Pam briefly dates Amelia Broadway while she is staying in Bon Temps, using her interest to disguise the fact that she is keeping an eye on Sookie. During the actual takeover by the Nevada vamps, Pam escapes Fangtasia and systematically picks off any enemy vampire who strays too far from the group.

  While driving Sookie back home one night after a visit with Eric, Pam and Sookie are waylaid by Victor Madden’s second, Bruno Brazell, and a female vampire named Corinna. Pam hands Sookie a knife to fight with Bruno while she takes on Corinna, and soon both of Victor’s vampires are disintegrating in the rain. Surprised and not at all pleased when Ocella shows up, Pam does her best to help Eric through the difficult times with his brother. Although she suffers a broken arm and leg, broken ribs, and various cuts and bruises when attacked by an insane Alexei, she still protests as she is left behind at Eric’s when Sookie and Eric race to confront him.

  Pam quietly takes a human female as a lover, asking permission to turn Miriam, since she suffers from leukemia and is growing increasingly weaker. When Victor refuses to allow it and actually uses Miriam to taunt Pam instead, Pam becomes even more enthusiastic about eliminating him from their lives. She makes plans to turn Miriam in secret, but her lover takes a sudden turn for the worse and dies before she can do so. Pam teams up with Eric at Fangtasia to take Victor down, and she ends up beneath him, his teeth at her throat. Seeing Sookie standing above her with Akiro’s sword in her hands, Pam urges her to bring it down on Victor’s neck. Sookie checks her swing in an effort not to hurt Pam, who jumps up and grabs the sword, finishing the job herself. (DUD, LDID, CD, DTTW, DN, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, TB, DITF, DR; mentioned L)

  Ray Don (vampire): No last name given. Ray Don’s talent is an overabundance of the chemicals in his saliva that promote healing, and he cleans Sookie’s wound after she is staked at Josephine’s. (CD)

  Re-Bar: No other name given. Re-Bar is the bouncer at the Bat’s Wing in Dallas; his mind is permanently damaged when a vampire, probably Godfrey, removes his memories. Stan promises to take care of the now mentally impaired human because he was injured while working for vampires. (LDID)

  Red Rita (vampire): No other name given. King Felipe de Castro appoints the formidable Red Rita as Regent of Arkansas. (Mentioned DR)

  Remy Savoy’s aunt: No name given. When Remy’s father’s sister passes away, Remy asks Sookie to babysit Hunter overnight so that he can attend the funeral and a family lunch over in Homer. (Deceased; mentioned DITF)

  Renfield: No other name given. Dracula’s human servant, Renfield is totally controlled by his master and eagerly does his bidding. Eric refers to any human who is controlled in such a way as a Renfield. (Mentioned DAG)

  Renfield’s Masters (vampires): This “live” band played at Fangtasia on their way to New Orleans. (Mentioned DAAD)

  Reynold, Lafayette: Merlotte’s cook Lafayette is cheerful, entertaining, clever, a good cook, and openly gay. His willingness to experiment brings a fatal result when he is killed at an orgy, and his body is dumped in Andy Bellefleur’s car in Merlotte’s parking lot. His killers are uncovered by Sookie, who has no real proof until his belongings are found in Mike Spencer’s car after the orgy regulars fall victim to maenad Callisto’s madness. (DUD; dies LDID; mentioned DITF)

  Riordan, Dan: Father Riordan comes to Bon Temps every Saturday to celebrate mass with his Catholic parishioners. He freely expresses his prejudice against vampires, even attending Fellowship of the Sun meetings in nearby Minden, and tells Sookie that consorting with vampires is a type of death wish.

  Approached by the Pelts in their search for their daughter, Father Riordan asks Sookie to meet with them and is disappointed in her when she refuses. He reluctantly ambushes her, bringing the insistent Pelts to Merlotte’s to speak with her anyway. (DD)

  Robinson, Fay: Halleigh’s sister Fay is one of her bridesmaids. (FDTW)

  Robinson, Linette: Despite Halleigh’s mother Linette’s discomfort around crowds, she manages to get through her daughter’s wedding shower and then celebrate her wedding. (ATD, FDTW)

  Robinson, Mr.: No first name given. Mr. Robinson doesn’t walk his daughter down the aisle in deference to Portia’s solo walk but does meet his daughter at the altar to ceremoniously give her away. (FDTW)

  Rodriguez, Carla: Carla, one of Jason’s ex-girlfriends, is in town the night he disappears but is being truthful when she tells Sookie that she did not see Jason and would have turned her back on him if she had. (DTTW)

  Rodriguez, Dovie: Sookie calls on Dovie in Shreveport to question her visiting cousin Carla about Jason after he disappears shortly after New Year’s. (DTTW)

  Rodriguez, Terencia “Terry”: Along with Amelia Broadway, Bob Jessup, and Patsy Sellers, Terry helps perform the ectoplasmic reconstruction for the Queen of Louisiana after a Were turned by a vampire rises in Hadley’s apartment and attacks Amelia and Sookie. Terry is Hispanic, in her mid- to late twenties, with full cheeks, bright red lips, and rippling black hair. She is short and, in Sookie’s words, “has more curves than an S-turn.” (DD)

  Rogers, Bethany: A waitress at the Bat’s Wing, Bethany is working the night that Farrell is kidnapped and, with Sookie’s help, is able to recall what she saw. Stan keeps his word that she will leave unharmed, but the Fellowship of the Sun is not so forgiving of her interaction with vampires and executes her, leaving her body behind the Silent Shore Hotel. (Dies LDID)

  Romanov, Alexei (vampire): Alexei is the progeny of Ocella. The tsarevitch of Russia is given the Roman vampire’s blood by Rasputin to help with his hemophilia, so when the Bolsheviks execute the royal family, Ocella is able to locate the boy and save him by turning him. In the beginning, Ocella enjoys Alexei’s company in every way, but Alexei’s spoiled childhood and the trauma of his family’s confinement and execution turn him sociopathic, and he begins draining the energy of his maker. Hoping his older child can help his younger one, Ocella brings Alexei to Eric, but Alexei becomes a drain on Eric and Sookie as well. He escapes custody twice, resulting in the death of a human each time. Alexei finally becomes completely insane, badly injuring Eric and Pam and killing Bobby Burnham and Felicia. With Ocella in pursuit, he runs first to Jason’s house and then to Sookie’s, where he severs Ocella’s spinal column before gleefully engaging Claude and Colman, the father of Claudine’s child, in battle. Sookie is able to ensnare him with a silver chain, and Eric uses a tree branch to send his brother to his final death. (Dies DITF; mentioned DR)

  Romanov, Maria: During the assassination of the Russian royal family by Bolsheviks, the bodies of Maria and Alexei are buried separately and not found until sixteen years after the discovery of the burial place of the rest of their family. (Deceased; mentioned DITF)

  Rose-Anne (vampire): No last name given. Rose-Anne works for Salome at the Seven Veils Casino. (DAAD)

  Rudy (half elf): No last name given. Half-elf, half-human Rudy is Michael’s companion—sexually and criminally. His sharp, pointy teeth traumatize Sookie, reminding her of her experiences with the fairies, but not so much so that she cannot react to Rudy’s and Michael’s threats, shooting Rudy in the face and chest. (Dies TB)

  Rushton, Lola: Lola had a crush on Sookie in high school but now dates India, a waitress at Merlotte’s. (Mentioned DR)


  Sadie: No last name given. Sam’s friend Sadie joins other supporters to watch over the Merlottes as they leave for Craig’s wedding. (STW)

  Salazar: No last name give
n. Cute paramedic Salazar treats Sookie after Luna’s car is deliberately hit by Polly Blythe and Sarah Newlin. (LDID)

  Sallie: No last name given. Sallie is the romantic partner of Katherine Boudreaux, the area representative for the BVA. (DITF)

  Salome (vampire): No last name given. Mickey’s sire, Salome runs the Seven Veils Casino in Baton Rouge. Rumor has it she’s one hell of a dancer. (DAAD)

  Sam Merlotte’s duplexes: Sam owns a block of three duplexes on Berry Street, a block or two behind the oldest part of downtown Bon Temps. They are small but well maintained. After the fire at Sookie’s house, he lets her move into one until the repairs are completed. (DUD, DAAD)

  Sam Merlotte’s trailer: Sam’s three-bedroom double-wide is situated behind Merlotte’s at a right angle to the bar and facing the employee parking lot, which is illuminated by a security light on the electricity pole in front of his home. The small yard is enclosed by a boxwood hedge with a gate in lieu of a fence, and a covered deck leads to the front door.

  Sam manages to keep his private life separate from the bar in spite of the proximity, enjoying his time in his home with friends and girlfriends. (DUD, CD, DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW; mentioned DAG, DR)

  Sandra Pelt’s thugs: No names given. Sookie nicknames the four men Bearded Leader, Blond Bristles, Pouty Lips, and Crazy Guy when they enter Merlotte’s and threaten the patrons. Hired by Sandra Pelt and paid with sex and vampire blood, the four are aggressive and unstable as they proclaim that they have come for the blonde, meaning Sookie, who is standing next to Lily Bard Leeds (also a blonde) and Lily’s husband. Both Jack Leeds and an off-duty Andy Bellefleur pull out their guns when Bearded Leader brandishes a knife. Crazy Guy, who is the most affected by the vampire blood, charges Sam, and bedlam breaks out. Pouty Lips fires his own gun, winging Jack, and is taken down by Lily in a series of moves that breaks his arm. Jannalynn, in the bar to see Sam, attacks Crazy Guy at the same time as Sam, breaking the thug’s jaw and femur. Andy is able to easily subdue Bearded Leader by putting his gun in the thug’s back, and Blond Bristles takes a dart, thrown by Danny, in the arm before being punched out by Sam. Andy calls for backup, and the four hoodlums are taken into custody. (DR)