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The Sookie Stackhouse Companion Page 48

  Santiago: No first name given. Ms. Santiago is rescued by Sookie and Barry from the wreckage of the Pyramid of Gizeh. (ATD)

  Sara (vampire): No last name given. Former stripper Sara hates her present job in Tunica, Mississippi, and makes arrangements to move to Shreveport to work at Fangtasia. (TB)

  Sarah: No last name given. One of Halleigh’s best friends, Sarah is a bridesmaid at her wedding. (FDTW)

  Sarah Jen: No last name given. Sarah Jen picks up the local gossip as she delivers the mail of Bon Temps. (DAG)

  Savoy, Hadley Delahoussaye (vampire): Sookie’s first cousin, Hadley leaves the family behind and disappears into New Orleans to live by her wits and her body. She eventually comes into contact with Queen Sophie-Anne Leclerq, who turns her as they become lovers. Devastated when Sophie-Anne arranges a marriage with Arkansas king Peter Threadgill, Hadley takes a diamond bracelet given to her lover by the king, a loss that could bring about the downfall of Sophie-Anne.

  Finding Jake Purifoy drained in her driveway, Hadley turns the Were in a panic. Seeking answers, she arranges a visit to St. Louis Cemetery #1 with Waldo, the queen’s former favorite, to commune with voodoo priestess Marie Laveau. Waldo, jealous at being replaced in the queen’s affections, murders an unsuspecting Hadley.

  Hadley’s estate passes to Sookie, who finds a marriage and divorce certificate among the papers in Hadley’s safe-deposit box. Unbeknownst to her family, the marriage produced a child, Hunter, who is ultimately found by Sookie. (Mentioned DUD; dies; mentioned OWA, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR)

  Savoy, Hank: Hank, Remy’s great-uncle, lives with his wife in Red Ditch. (Mentioned DR)

  Savoy, Hunter (telepath): The child of Sookie’s late cousin Hadley, Hunter is thrilled when he meets Sookie and realizes that she is like him. Just a child, he struggles with his telepathy, not quite understanding why he can hear what people think and why he shouldn’t speak of it. His father, Remy, is relieved when Sookie offers to help Hunter, hoping she can train him to control his mind—and his tongue.

  Hunter is fascinated when he realizes that he can’t “hear” vampires, and he already knows that there are other things out there, things he cannot yet identify but is open to because he carries the essential spark. He discovers that there is plenty to fear in human minds, from a mother’s thoughts of running away from her children, to a kindergarten teacher’s dark fantasies of abuse. (FDTW, DITF, DR; mentioned DAG)

  Savoy, Remy: Hadley’s ex-husband is raising their son in nearby Red Ditch, having left New Orleans after Katrina. He is first wary, then grateful, when Sookie enters their lives and recognizes his son’s telepathic ability, offering to help his child. Remy encourages contact between Sookie and Hunter, trusting her to babysit while he attends a family funeral, and then asking her to Hunter’s kindergarten orientation, where he also trusts her advice about the teaching staff. He is dating Kristen Duchesne when he first meets Sookie, but the relationship turns sour when Kristen becomes spooked by Hunter’s abilities and tells others that something is wrong with the boy. Remy begins dating Erin, a young woman who already truly loves his son. When Sookie offers him Hadley’s estate, Remy turns her down, still bitter about Hadley’s abandonment of their son, and tells her that his great-aunt plans to leave her estate to Hunter, as she has no children of her own. (FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR)

  Schubert, Michele: Jason may have finally met his match in divorcée Michele, with her no-nonsense attitude and forthright personality. She begins seeing him while he is separated from Crystal, and their relationship survives Crystal’s death and the ensuing investigation. When approached by Alexei at Jason’s house, Michele sends him over to Sookie’s, feeling that vamps are Sookie’s problem, not Jason’s. (DAG, DITF, DR)

  Schubert, Pop: Michele Schubert’s former father-in-law relies on his son’s ex-wife at his Ford dealer’s repair shop. (DITF)

  Seabrook, Todd (vampire): The co-host of The Best Dressed Vamp with Bev Leveto, Todd has his throat ripped open on national TV when Devon Dawn doesn’t respond well to their criticism of her wardrobe. The show must go on, and he soon recovers. (DAG)

  Seal shifter: No name given. Unsurprisingly, the father of an Olympic swimmer reveals himself as a wereseal. (DAG)

  Sechrest, Sandy (vampire): Felipe de Castro’s area representative in Louisiana, Sandy is soon sent back to Nevada by Victor as he seeks more power over the state. (FDTW; mentioned DAG, DITF)

  Sellers, Patsy (witch): Along with witches Amelia Broadway, Bob Jessup, and Terry Rodriguez, Patsy assists in performing the ectoplasmic reconstruction for the Queen of Louisiana after a Were turned by a vampire rises in Hadley’s apartment and attacks Amelia and Sookie. She is in her sixties and has a Bowflex body. (DD)

  Seven Veils Casino, the: Located in Baton Rouge, like all casinos it is open 24/7. A female vampire named Salome is one of the powers that be at the casino. Mickey the vampire takes Tara there several times during their relationship. (Mentioned DAAD)

  Sharp Teeth (wolf): No other name given. The unidentified St. Catherine’s Were attacks Sookie and Barbara Beck at the library. Whacked in the head by a book thrown by Sookie, he dies when he falls on his own knife. (Dies FDTW)

  Shawn, Ra (vampire): Dreadlocked Ra Shawn precipitates the war between his home state of Arkansas and Louisiana by decapitating the guard Wybert at Sophie-Anne’s spring party. He is killed in the ensuing battle. (Dies DD)

  Shelley: No last name given. Shelley is David Cleary’s stepdaughter. (Mentioned DTTW)

  Shifter library: On each continent, the shifters maintain a library containing their history and their observations of other supes. Now online as well, the sites, both physical and electronic, remain closely guarded and are not made available to anyone other than shifters. The two-natured also maintain private message boards and monitor anti-shifter sites. (Mentioned DR)

  Shreveport vampire bar: Though there are a number of “vampire bars,” including Fangtasia, located in different cities, they cater to both vampires and humans. There is another bar in the Shreveport area that caters only to vampires. Beyond being in or near Shreveport, its name and exact location have never been stated. (LDID)

  Shreveport witches, the: The Shreveport Weres recruit local Wiccans to join the Weres and the Area Five vampires in attacking Hallow’s coven. The three witches—an older African American woman, a clean-cut young man, and a young woman—cast spells to make the coven members weak and indecisive and to identify the three innocent Wiccans who are being forced to help Hallow. As Mark Stonebrook begins a spell to cause a mist to permeate the room and confuse the space, the Shreveport witches, kept aware of the events through a scryer, retaliate by making it rain in the building to dissipate the mist. (DTTW)

  Shurtliff, Delia: Wife and partner to contractor Randall Shurtliff, Delia runs their business very efficiently, making enough profit to easily provide for Randall’s ex-wife, Mary Helen, and his three children from his first marriage. Delia and Randall rebuild Sookie’s kitchen after it burns down. (DAAD)

  Shurtliff, Mary Helen: Mary Helen is the ex-wife of Randall Shurtliff and mother of his three sons. (Mentioned DAAD)

  Shurtliff, Randall: Contractor Randall and his second wife and partner, Delia, take the job of rebuilding Sookie’s kitchen after the arson by Charles Twining. (DAAD)

  Sid (wolf): No last name given. Shreveport Weres Emilio and Sid track Hallow and her coven to the empty business in Shreveport where the Witch War takes place. Sid files his teeth into points in preparation for the battle with the witches. (DTTW)

  Sigebert (vampire): No other name given. Along with his brother Wybert, Saxon warrior Sigebert, whose name means “Bright Victory,” is one of the Queen of Louisiana’s trusted bodyguards. Turned centuries ago when Sophie-Anne approached them before a battle, the brothers didn’t realize at first that the strength she promised meant they would be able to fight only at night from then on. After Wybert’s death during the battle at the monastery, Sigebert loyally continues guarding his queen and m
aker. At Sophie-Anne’s command, he slaughters Jennifer Cater and two of her party members at the vampire summit in Rhodes. He survives the hotel explosion and watches over Sophie-Anne in Baton Rouge as she attempts to recover from her injuries. He defends her from the invading Las Vegas vamps but to no avail, and he barely escapes with his own life. Intent on revenge, he targets Eric, whom he considers a traitor because he is the only surviving Louisiana sheriff. He ambushes Eric, King of Nevada Felipe de Castro, and Sam in the Merlotte’s parking lot. Sookie runs him over with her car and helps Eric and Sam escape, whereupon Eric decapitates Sigebert. (DD, ATD; dies FDTW; mentioned DAG, DITF)

  Silent Shore Hotel, the: The Silent Shore, one of the grand old hotels in Dallas, is the only hotel in the area that has undergone the extensive renovations necessary to accommodate vampire patrons: light-tight rooms, blood supplies (both natural and artificial), and rooms for any human companions that may be traveling with the vampires. Sookie and Bill stay there during their trip to Dallas, and for the first time Sookie meets another telepath in Barry (the Bellboy) Horowitz. (LDID)

  Simpson, Ben: Hooligans stripper Ben sometimes performs as a cop, and he uses the stage name Barry Barber because he likes to shave people by private appointment. A suspect in Claudette Crane’s death, Ben is cleared by Sookie, and his memories of her questioning are erased by Claudine. (FD)

  Simpson, Mark: Fangbangers Mark and Mindy are part of Victor’s entourage, accompanying him and his vampires to Fangtasia to hear Bubba’s performance. When the battle begins and his wife is killed, Mark tries to join the fight but is hit with a bottle by Colton. He doesn’t get up. (Dies DR)

  Simpson, Mindy: Mindy and her husband, Mark, are fangbangers in Victor’s retinue and join him and his vampires at Fangtasia to listen to Bubba sing. When Eric swings a stake at Victor, Victor’s second, Akiro, blocks his arm and cleaves through Mindy’s shoulder, killing her almost instantly. (DR dies)

  Sino-AIDS: A variant of the blood-borne immune system disease, it is one of the few illnesses that can affect vampires, leaving them very weak for a month after drinking the infected blood. At the Monroe vampires’ house, Sookie warns Bill against drinking from Jerry, telling him the man is infected with the disease. (DUD)

  Skinner, Dr.: No first name given. Dr. Skinner treats Maria-Star Cooper at the Clarice hospital, unaware that her patient is a werewolf whose injuries were sustained when she was hit while in her wolf form by a car driven by a witch. (DTTW)

  Smith, Bailey: A high school classmate of Jason’s, Bailey is now a local insurance agent. Like the other agents, Bailey suffers a run of bad luck. (L)

  Smith, Everett O’Dell: A student at Tulane Business School, Everett is Mr. Cataliades’s gofer and helps Sookie pack up Hadley’s apartment. He decides to rent Hadley’s place from Amelia, watching over her apartment as well when she heads to Bon Temps with Sookie. He and the building survive Katrina relatively intact. (DD; mentioned FDTW)

  Sonntag, Dr.: No first name given. Attractive Dr. Sonntag takes care of Sookie after she is attacked by Rene Lenier and briefly dates JB du Rone. (DUD; mentioned LDID)

  Sookie Stackhouse’s house: The Stackhouse farmhouse sits on twenty acres of land, well hidden from the road, and the long gravel driveway leads to a parking area in front with an additional area in the back. Built as a single-story home in the 1850s, the original rectangular house consisted of what is now the living room. The kitchen, bathrooms, downstairs bedrooms, and partial second story were added later. The second floor is currently comprised of two small bedrooms and an attic storage area, with room for another bedroom. The front door opens into the living room, with a hallway leading off of the back wall. On the left side of the hallway is a master bedroom with an en suite bath, and on the right is a smaller bedroom, complete with a light-tight vampire hidey-hole in the closet, a separate bathroom, and coat and linen cupboards. The hall continues to the kitchen, which is large enough to serve as the family dining room. After a fire destroys the kitchen and the screened-in back porch, the kitchen is renovated and the back porch, which doubles as a laundry room, is widened and enclosed. Overall, the furniture in the house is old and comfortable, just like the house itself. A tin roof adds to the charm, as does a bench swing on the front porch.

  Humans, shifters, vampires, and fairies regularly roam the woods around the house, and the property has been the site of murder, arson, a demon’s pyre, buried bodies, staked vampires, and disintegrating fairies. (DUD, LDID, CD, DTTW, DAAD, OWA, DD, ATD, L, FDTW, GW, DAG, DITF, DR; mentioned FD, DN)

  Sophie-Anne Leclerq’s headquarters: The Queen of Louisiana, Sophie-Anne Leclerq maintains her business headquarters near downtown New Orleans. She owns a block of buildings near the edge of the French Quarter, a not inexpensive area. The three-story office building takes up an entire city block. The windows have all been covered with panels that are decorated in a Mardi Gras theme, with pink, purple, and green designs on a white or black background to offer protection to the vampires who use the place as a retreat or reside there. The iridescent patches on the shutters give them a look like Mardi Gras beads. Because it is publicly known where Sophie-Anne holds “court,” the sidewalks teem at all hours with souvenir peddlers, tour guides, and the curious who have just come to gawk at the vampires. (DD; mentioned ATD)

  Special Events: Special Events is a secret division of Extreme(ly Elegant) Events, a nationwide event-planning company well known by its E(E)E logo. Special Events does the same sort of thing for the supernatural community, handling events such as packmaster contests, rites of ascension, and vampire hierarchal weddings. Basically, if you want your supe events done right, you go to Special Events. As one of four partners in the company, weretiger John Quinn arranges the staging of the Shreveport packmaster contest, the wedding of Sophie-Anne and Peter Threadgill, and all the official ceremonies at the summit in Rhodes. (Mentioned DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, STW)

  Spencer, Mike: Mike Spencer, owner of Spencer and Sons Funeral Home, is also the Renard Parish coroner. This seemingly upright citizen becomes involved in group sex parties and is directly responsible for the death of Lafayette Reynold, along with fellow partier Tom Hardaway. Mike succumbs to maenad Callisto’s madness when she’s drawn to their orgy, and Lafayette’s belongings are found in his car. (DUD; dies LDID)

  Splendide: A real bell rings when the door opens at Brenda Hesterman and Donald Callaway’s antiques shop, Splendide, in Shreveport. The two owners appraise and buy antiques of all shapes and sizes, including jewelry, furniture, and clothing. When Sookie cleans out her attic, the partners come to her home to appraise the items, and they purchase several pieces of furniture, including Mitchell’s desk, as well as some smaller objects. (DR)

  Spradlin, Whit: Arlene’s latest boyfriend, Fellowship of the Sun official Whit is both furious and appalled when the shifters are revealed. Although they know Sookie is not a shifter, he decides to make her an example of what happens to shifter sympathizers and crucify her, aping Crystal’s death even though he and his cohorts had nothing to do with it. Whit persuades Arlene to go along with the despicable plan and gets her to lure Sookie to her trailer. Sookie is able to discern their intentions from a distance and calls Andy, who soon arrives with Agents Lattesta and Weiss. Whit is badly wounded in the shoot-out, his co-conspirator Donny is killed, and Arlene suffers a minor injury. (DAG)

  Stackhouse, Adele Hale: Adele raises her two grandchildren after her son’s death and is murdered in her own kitchen by Rene Lenier, a substitute victim of his insane rage against women involved with vampires.

  It is eventually revealed that Adele’s two children were fathered by half-fairy Fintan. Because her husband, Mitchell, was rendered infertile by mumps, Adele got involved with Fintan when he promised her the children she so desperately wanted. (Dies DUD; mentioned LDID, CD, DTTW, DN, DAAD, OWA, DD, ATD, FDTW, GW, DAG, DITF, DR)

  Stackhouse, Corbett Hale (half fairy): Sookie’s father, Corbett, never knows that he is the son of half-fairy Fintan, but he
dies because of it, killed with his wife by the fairies and water sprites loyal to Breandan, the enemy of his grandfather Niall. (Deceased; mentioned DUD, CD, DAAD, FDTW, DITF)

  Stackhouse, Crystal Norris (panther): Thin and intense, with short, curly, dusty-looking black hair, Crystal looks younger than her real mid-twenties age. Looking for a good time, werepanther Crystal accepts a date for New Year’s Eve with Jason after meeting him in a Wal-Mart. After suffering a miscarriage, she has been excused from her responsibility to contribute to the pack because she is too inbred and can barely change with the moon. She sees Jason as both an exciting challenge and a chance for a different life. But fellow Hotshot werepanther Felton Norris is so obsessed with Crystal that he kidnaps Jason and bites him until he is turned in a warped attempt to level the playing field, feeling that if Jason is a panther, Crystal will not find him as desirable. Sookie and Sam go to Calvin Norris and are able to rescue Jason, and Felton pays for his crime at the claws of the pack so that they don’t go to the police. After suffering another miscarriage, Crystal becomes pregnant again, so she and Jason marry. Although she makes her vows, she isn’t sincere about keeping them and begins an affair with Dove Beck, one of Jason’s co-workers. She further jeopardizes her marriage by spending money recklessly, a task she is encouraged in by a bespelled Tanya Grissom on behalf of Sandra Pelt. Suspecting the lovers will meet at his house while he is on errands, Jason arranges for both Calvin and Sookie to witness them together. Because Calvin stood for Crystal at the wedding and she is pregnant, he will take her punishment. Sookie stood for Jason, so Jason chooses to have her deliver the punishment instead of doing it himself. Sookie has no choice but to break Calvin’s “claw” just as Crystal broke her vows, and she brings a brick down on his hand. Crystal moves back to Hotshot but continues to be a presence in Jason’s life. When she drops by his house and finds Mel Hart waiting for him, she taunts Mel until he slaps her unconscious, and he leaves her in the truck, still out cold, as he goes into Jason’s house to settle his nerves. While he’s inside, she is found by Lochlan and Neave, who crucify her in Merlotte’s parking lot in their depraved version of fun. Jason and Sookie both mourn the loss of Jason’s child and are saddened by Crystal’s death, believing that, for all her sins, she did not deserve to die afraid and alone at the hands of two twisted and perverted fairies. (DTTW, ATD, FDTW; dies DAG; mentioned DITF, DR)