The Sookie Stackhouse Companion Read online

Page 27

  6. What picture is hanging on the wall over the TV at Crystal’s house?

  7. According to Sookie, what is Amendment 29 to the Constitution?

  8. What is Dawn’s child’s name?

  9. What was the name of the sheriff who disappeared while trying to arrest a Hotshot resident?

  10. Who was the sheriff trying to arrest and why?

  11. What is the name of the doctor who treats Maria-Star?

  12. What are the names of the officers investigating Maria-Star’s accident?

  13. What is the name of Amanda’s companion at Merlotte’s?

  14. What is Kevin Pryor’s mother’s name?

  15. What is Pam’s address?

  Dead as a Doornail: 1. Where is the shooter when Sam is shot?

  2. What is the name of the serviceman who interrupts Eric and Sookie at Fangtasia?

  3. Where was Charles’s ship when he was turned?

  4. What did Heather Kinman have in her hands when she was shot?

  5. What do Jack and Lily drink at Merlotte’s?

  6. What is Calvin’s room number at the Grainger hospital?

  7. According to Claudine, what name did Jeff Marriot give her at Merlotte’s?

  8. Where did Gran buy the material for the curtains she made for the kitchen?

  9. What is Randall Shurtliff’s ex-wife’s name?

  10. What does Selah drink the first time Bill brings her to Merlotte’s?

  11. What is the name of the clerk in the Grainger hospital business office?

  12. What is Bud Dearborn’s wife’s name?

  13. What does Calvin send Sookie after she is shot?

  14. Where did the second elf war take place?

  15. Who hands Catfish the stake?

  Definitely Dead: 1. What animal is the young man shifting into in the photo album at Al’s?

  2. What is Danielle’s mother’s name?

  3. Who is the principal of Betty Ford Elementary School?

  4. What is the principal’s husband’s occupation?

  5. What does Sookie buy from Wal-Mart as a shower gift for Halleigh?

  6. What else does Sookie buy during that trip?

  7. What are Debbie and Sandra’s parents’ names?

  8. Where is the Fellowship of the Sun branch Arlene has gone to?

  9. What color are the bloodstained towels in Hadley’s apartment?

  10. What weapon does Sookie use to fight off Jake Purifoy at Hadley’s?

  11. What did Hadley wear to the party the night before Sophie-Anne’s wedding?

  12. What is Melanie wearing at the queen’s reception at the monastery?

  13. Who decapitates Wybert?

  14. Where is Quinn’s next event?

  15. What is the event?

  All Together Dead: 1. What is Halleigh’s mother’s name?

  2. What does Selah give Halleigh as a shower gift?

  3. How many seats for humans does the Anubis airplane Sookie takes to Rhodes have?

  4. Who are the sheriffs of Louisiana, and which areas do they oversee?

  5. What is Barry’s room number?

  6. What is Barry’s real last name?

  7. What does Carla wear the first night of the summit?

  8. What floor is the Arkansas contingent staying on?

  9. What color is Russell’s ceremonial robe?

  10. Whose lackey is also searching for an “unclaimed suitcase” with Sookie?

  11. According to his driver’s license, where was Kyle Perkins from?

  12. What is the name of the ladies’ room attendant?

  13. What is the name of the vampire lawyer who argues for the parents against Cindy Lou?

  14. Who is the head of the Michigan state terrorist task force?

  15. What is the name of the hospital where Quinn is taken after the explosion?

  From Dead to Worse: 1. What is Halleigh’s sister’s name?

  2. Where are Portia and Glen going on their honeymoon?

  3. What is Hoyt’s father’s name?

  4. What color is the carpet in Maria-Star’s apartment?

  5. What kind of sandwich does Sookie make Tray while he checks out her house after following her home from work?

  6. What business does Cleo run?

  7. Who is with Sigebert and Sophie-Anne during the takeover?

  8. What is Mrs. Prescott’s first name?

  9. Who is the author of the hardcover book Sookie throws at the man in the library, causing him to trip and fall on his own knife?

  10. What is the name of the owner of the RV park where Priscilla and her Weres were staying?

  11. Where does Sam’s aunt live?

  12. What is the name of the facility where Quinn’s mom was held?

  13. What is Octavia’s niece’s name?

  14. What landscaping shrub is Sookie allergic to?

  15. What is Kristen’s last name?

  Dead and Gone: 1. What is the name of Devon’s friend who called The Best Dressed Vamp?

  2. How many dogs does Sara Weiss have?

  3. What official did Lattesta speak to in Rhodes about Sookie and Barry?

  4. Who pays on her daughter’s prom dress while Sookie is at Tara’s Togs?

  5. What does the name Dillon mean?

  6. What caused the fire at the Freer house?

  7. What color are Sookie’s water guns?

  8. Besides Jane, who was Merlotte’s other “resident alcoholic”?

  9. What is Mel’s ex-wife’s name?

  10. What is Octavia’s boyfriend’s name?

  11. What is the name of the fairy Sookie kills with Gran’s trowel?

  12. What is the name of the fairy Breandan kills in retaliation?

  13. Who are Tray’s next-door neighbors?

  14. What business do Tray’s next-door neighbors own?

  15. What is the name of the fairy who ambushed Claudine before she went to the hospital to watch over Sookie?

  Dead in the Family: 1. How old is Jannalynn Hopper?

  2. What is Annabelle’s last name?

  3. How long has Basim been in Shreveport?

  4. Who is the area rep for the BVA?

  5. What is the BVA area rep’s lover’s name?

  6. What kind of car are Bruno and Corinna driving when they flag down Sookie and Pam?

  7. Whose funeral is Remy Savoy attending?

  8. Where is the viewing and funeral being held?

  9. Who is Jenny Vasco?

  10. What book does Sookie read to Hunter and then give him?

  11. What needs replacing on Sookie’s water heater?

  12. What is the name of Caroline Bellefleur’s nurse?

  13. Who does the nurse work for after Caroline Bellefleur passes?

  14. What is the name of the white-haired male protester at Merlotte’s?

  15. Why did Basim leave the Houston pack?

  Dead Reckoning: 1. What is Brenda’s business partner’s name?

  2. What business was previously in Splendide’s location?

  3. Who is Kennedy Keyes’s aunt?

  4. Where does Immanuel Earnest work?

  5. From what city is the police badge Sam considered getting Jannalynn?

  6. Where is the Ruby Tuesday in Shreveport?

  7. What color is the sign at Hooligans?

  8. Whose arm does Pam damage at Vampire’s Kiss?

  9. What is the name of the fairy whose blood is used at Vampire’s Kiss?

  10. Whom is Lola Rushton dating?

  11. What flavor milkshake does Halleigh ask Andy to bring her?

  12. Who teaches in the Pony Room?

  13. What kind of car does Colton drive?

  14. How many children does Kelvin have?

  15. Who mows Victor’s yard?


  Dead Until Dark: 1. Mack and Denise Rattray

  2. Adele Hale Stackhouse

  3. The Descendants of the Glorious Dead and the Bon Temps Gardening Society

  4. Cindyr />
  5. Bartlett Hale

  Living Dead in Dallas: 1. Belle Rive

  2. Anthony Bolivar

  3. A maenad

  4. Anubis Air

  5. Desiree Dumas

  Club Dead: 1. Magnolia Creek

  2. Russell Edgington

  3. They hold the markers for his casino gambling debts.

  4. Charles Clausen

  5. Jerry Falcon

  Dead to the World: 1. To stay out of trouble!

  2. Black

  3. $35,000

  4. Adabelle Yancy

  5. Marnie Stonebrook

  Dead as a Doornail: 1. Connie the Corpse

  2. Heather Kinman

  3. He was a pirate.

  4. Lily and Jack Leeds

  5. By casting protective spells

  Definitely Dead: 1. TrueBlood type O

  2. Hadley Delahoussaye Savoy

  3. Holly Cleary’s son, Cody Cleary

  4. The Strand Theatre in Shreveport; The Producers

  5. Wybert—Bright Battle; Sigebert—Bright Victory

  All Together Dead: 1. Illinois

  2. Minnesota

  3. In London at age nineteen

  4. Mr. Cataliades, Diantha, and Johan Glassport

  5. Officer Landry

  From Dead to Worse: 1. Tiffany

  2. Tyrese Marley

  3. Les Deux Poissons

  4. Priscilla Hebert

  5. Area representative for Felipe de Castro, the new King of Louisiana

  Dead and Gone: 1. Bev Leveto and Todd Seabrook

  2. Agent Sara Weiss

  3. Appius Livius Ocella

  4. The Tabernacle Holiness Church

  5. Lochlan and Neave

  Dead in the Family: 1. Hopper

  2. Manslaughter

  3. Houston

  4. Sunk in a pond about ten miles south of Sookie’s house Bonus: Mazda Miata (from Dead to the World)

  5. A wall clock

  Dead Reckoning: 1. Hesterman

  2. Nella Jean

  3. Miss O’Fallon

  4. Gray

  5. “Kentucky Rain”


  Dead Until Dark: 1. Homulka

  2. Red

  3. Everlee Mason

  4. Sweet Rest Funeral Home

  5. Green

  6. Begonias

  7. Springhill

  8. His father’s auto-parts warehouse

  9. Key lime pie

  10. Restonic

  11. Farmerville

  12. Callista Street

  13. $1.05

  14. Three quick knocks, then two spaced apart

  15. Lillian

  Living Dead in Dallas: 1. Deep crimson

  2. Bourré

  3. The Shrimp Boat

  4. Golden brown

  5. Dennis Engelbright

  6. Stanislaus Davidowitz

  7. The Bat’s Wing

  8. Woof

  9. Jerry

  10. Tawny Kelner

  11. Glen Craigie Methodist

  12. Chuck

  13. Mimosa Lake

  14. Dr. Sonntag

  15. Thomas Charles, Sarah Isabelle, and Lee Davis

  Club Dead: 1. Marvin

  2. Buck Foley

  3. Velda Cannon’s

  4. Corinne

  5. Janice’s earrings

  6. Sarah McLachlan’s “Good Enough”

  7. Harvey

  8. Terence

  9. The Hounds of Hell

  10. Tommy

  11. The Kiley-Odum Hunt Club property

  12. Champagne

  13. Josh

  14. Ray Don

  15. Doug

  Dead to the World: 1. Terrell

  2. Springhill

  3. Shelley

  4. Wednesday

  5. Coughlin

  6. The Last Supper

  7. Shifters don’t have to talk to Sookie Stackhouse.

  8. Matthew

  9. John Dowdy

  10. Carlton Norris, for statutory rape

  11. Dr. Skinner

  12. Stans and Curlew

  13. Parnell

  14. Jeneen

  15. 714 Parchman Avenue, Shreveport, LA

  Dead as a Doornail: 1. In the trees north of the parking lot

  2. Dave

  3. The Tortugas

  4. A chocolate milkshake

  5. Jack has hot tea, and Lily has a Diet Coke.

  6. 214

  7. Marlon

  8. Hancock’s

  9. Mary Helen

  10. A screwdriver

  11. Ms. Beeson

  12. Greta

  13. A gardenia bush

  14. . Iowa

  15. Dago (Antonio Guglielmi)

  Definitely Dead: 1. A bear

  2. Mary Jane Jasper

  3. . Mrs. Garfield

  4. Methodist-Episcopal minister

  5. A two-quart CorningWare casserole dish

  6. Fruit juice, sharp cheddar, bacon, gift paper, and a really pretty blue bra and matching panties

  7. Barbara and Gordon Pelt

  8. Minden

  9. Medium blue terrycloth

  10. . A candlestick

  11. A skintight, cut-down-to-here red dress decked with darker red sequins (and some gorgeous alligator pumps)

  12. . A pretty yellow dress with low heels

  13. Ra Shawn

  14. Huntsville, Alabama

  15. A Rite of Ascension

  All Together Dead: 1. Linette Robinson

  2. Dish towels

  3. Fifteen

  4. Sophie-Anne Leclerq presides over Area One, Arla Yvonne over Area Two, Cleo Babbitt over Area Three, Gervaise over Area Four, and Eric Northman over Area Five.

  5. 1576

  6. Horowitz

  7. A glittery green cocktail dress, fuck-me shoes, and a see-through thong

  8. The seventh floor

  9. A heavy brocade of gleaming gold cloth worked in a pattern of blue and scarlet

  10. Queen Phoebe Golden’s

  11. Illinois

  12. Lena

  13. Kate Book

  14. Dan Brewer

  15. St. Cosmas

  From Dead to Worse: 1. Fay

  2. San Francisco

  3. Ed

  4. Dark blue

  5. Meatloaf


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