The Sookie Stackhouse Companion Read online

Page 39

  Living in the old Summerlin bungalow that she purchased a few years ago, Tara and JB decide to renovate to make room for the babies, and they enlist Sookie and Sam to help. When an old hammer is found concealed in a wall, they realize that it was used in the 1930s murder of neighbor Isaiah Wechsler. By unearthing the hammer, they inadvertently unleash the spirit of the murderer. The babies’ nanny, Quiana Wong, reveals that she is a psychic, and with Sookie’s help they are able to identify the murderer as the youngest son of the family that built the house, the Summerlins. He committed suicide after the murder and was secretly buried in the yard by his parents. His bones are taken to Sookie’s family plot and buried, putting the spirit to rest. (LDID, CD, DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG, DITF, DR, IIHAH)

  Dustin (vampire): No last name given. Unschooled in being a vampire because his maker met his final death shortly after he was made, Dustin makes his way to Bon Temps, where he seduces and glamours Greg Aubert’s daughter, Lindsay, in order to get fresh blood. When he is discovered by Sookie and Amelia, they call on Bill to take him to Fangtasia to meet Eric and, hopefully, learn the ropes. (L)


  Earnest, Immanuel: A hairstylist at Death by Fashion salon in Shreveport, brightly tattooed Immanuel is brought by Pam, who is his sister’s lover, to Sookie’s house to cut her hair after the firebombing at Merlotte’s. Immanuel remains calm when Eric and Pam fight. He tells Sookie that his sister, Miriam, is critically ill and that Pam wants to bring her over. When his sister dies, Immanuel is only too happy to join the attack on Victor and his people at Fangtasia. He survives and leaves with Colton, united in grief after the loss of Miriam and Colton’s girlfriend, Audrina. (DR)

  Earnest, Miriam: Miriam is suffering with leukemia, so her lover, Pam, wants to turn her into a vampire before she sickens further, but Victor denies Pam’s request to make a child. Having summoned Eric and Sookie to Vampire’s Kiss and knowing that Pam will accompany them as Eric’s second-in-command, Victor callously forces Miriam to attend as well. The desperately ill woman struggles to maintain control until Pam is able to get her out of the club and take her home.

  Miriam succumbs to her illness, and Pam takes vengeance on Victor. (Dies DR)

  Ectoplasmic reconstruction: A magical method of viewing past events involving people or other living creatures, it is rarely attempted because of the amount of time, energy, and skill required by the witches involved. Amelia Broadway successfully performs the ritual twice, once with three other witches after Hadley’s death and once with Octavia after Maria-Star’s death. The number of witches needed depends on the amount of area covered by the reconstruction, and the witches must recite the chants in unison, building the power and concentrating to keep the visual going. During the reconstruction, the subject appears translucent, with surrounding objects appearing only when touched by the subject. (DD, FDTW)

  Edgington, Russell (vampire): Russell Edgington, the vampire King of Mississippi, does not intervene when Lorena Ball takes up residence on his property to torture information about the database out of Bill, but he is able to reach a tentative peace with Bill after his escape.

  While at the Rhodes summit, Russell completes marriage negotiations with the King of Indiana, Bartlett Crowe, and they are married in full regalia by Eric. The happy couple survives the bombing with only minor injuries. (CD, ATD; mentioned DAAD, DAG, TB)

  Einin: No last name given. Lovely Einin catches Niall’s eye in the woods one day and ultimately bears him twin sons, Fintan and Dermot, but she lives the rest of her life in misery when Niall stops visiting her. (Deceased; mentioned FDTW, DAG, DITF)

  Ellis, Helen: While Arlene sets the trap for Sookie, Helen takes Coby and Lisa away for the day. After the shoot-out, she claims she didn’t know the plans and only took the children for a treat because they’d done well at school. (DAG)

  Elvira: No last name given. Fangbanger Elvira works at Fangtasia. (FDTW)

  Elvis Undead Review, the (vampires): This troupe, represented by Felipe de Castro’s management company, doesn’t include the real thing as it performs in Vegas. The company also manages several all-vampire dance groups. (Mentioned FDTW)

  Emilio (wolf): No last name given. Shreveport Weres Emilio and Sid track Hallow and her coven to the empty business in Shreveport where the Witch War takes place. (DTTW)

  Enda (fairy): No last name given. Enda, a shy fairy female, is caught and killed by Breandan in retaliation for Murry’s death. (Dies DAG)

  Engelbright, Dennis: Dennis is a former classmate of Sookie’s who hooks up with her friend Marianne on a senior class trip to Six Flags in Dallas. (Mentioned LDID)

  Eric Northman’s children: Eric had six children with his wife, Aude. Two boys and a girl lived to adulthood. (Deceased; mentioned DAG)

  Eric Northman’s family: Eric’s older brother died in battle, but his parents and other siblings were left to take care of his children when widower Eric vanished from their lives. (Deceased; mentioned DAG)

  Eric Northman’s house: Eric’s fieldstone house is located in a gated community in Shreveport with a twenty-four-hour guard and a lawn service. Built on a slope, it has a lower-level game room that originally had a walk-out but has been sealed up to be a light-tight master bedroom with a heavy door barring the stairs to the main floor. The garage, empty save for Eric’s Corvette, opens into a sparsely decorated and relatively unused kitchen. The living room, sporting new carpeting and new paint, is full of deep, rich colors and furnished with heavy furniture suitable for a man Eric’s size. The bedrooms on the upper floor have all been fitted with shutters and heavy curtains, and the guest bedrooms have sleek coffins stowed under the beds. (DITF, DR; mentioned DTTW, FDTW, DAG)

  Erin: No last name given. Erin begins dating Remy Savoy after his breakup with Kristen. When she runs into Sookie, Remy, and Hunter after Hunter’s kindergarten orientation, she takes the opportunity to question Sookie about Kristen’s comments that there is something strange about the child. Erin’s feelings for the father are growing, and she already loves the little boy, so she accepts Sookie’s assurance that although Hunter is different, there is nothing wrong with him. (DR)

  Extreme(ly Elegant) Events: A nationwide event-planning company well known by its triple E logo. The company’s secret division, Special Events, does the same sort of thing but for the supernatural community. (FDTW; mentioned DD, ATD)


  Fae creature (part fairy): No name given. A short, blond, unidentifiable creature of undeterminable gender acknowledges Sookie as having fairy blood and asks if she is joining the fae gathering at Hooligans. (DR)

  Fae female (part elf): No name given. Beautiful with red hair, the female part elf has her teeth filed down so that she can pass as human but still desires the company of her fellow fae at Hooligans. (DR)

  Fae male (part fairy): No name given. A long, slim, male creature of unknown origin sits in with the other fae at Hooligans. (DR)

  Fairy child: No name given. He is the child of the fairy Breandan and an unnamed mother; the mother’s life is spared, but the child is killed. (Mentioned, dies DAG)

  Fairy warrior, female: No name given. A very tall female warrior wielding a mace follows Breandan through the door of Bill and Tray’s room at Dr. Ludwig’s clinic. She misses Eric, but her blow catches Clancy in the side of the head, enabling Breandan to behead him. She abandons her attack on Eric when Bill kills Breandan and aims her sword at Sookie, who squirts her with lemon juice. Distracted by the pain, she is killed by Eric. (Dies DAG)

  Fairy warrior, male: No name given. A tall, thin male with gossamer hair is the first through the door during the final confrontation at the hospital and is the first to die, beheaded by Clancy. (Dies DAG)

  Fairy warrior, male: No name given. The second through the door suffers a knife in the throat, thrown by Bill. (Dies DAG)

  Fairy women: No names given. Two of Breandan’s followers, including the mother of his child, are spared by Niall at the end of the Fae War because females are needed
in the fairy world. (Mentioned DAG)

  Falcon, Jerry (wolf): Hounds of Hell gang member Jerry Falcon accosts Sookie at Josephine’s, drawing the wrath of Mr. Hob and the disapproval of his employer, Russell Edgington, the vampire King of Mississippi. After complaining to the Jackson packmaster about Alcide, Jerry attempts to break into Alcide’s condo, only to be seen and killed by Bubba, who stuffs his body in the closet for Eric to dispose of. Unfortunately, Bubba doesn’t tell Eric, Sookie, or Alcide, so when Sookie finds his body, neither she nor Alcide knows how it got there, but they do know they need to get rid of it. Jerry’s body is wrapped in a shower curtain, driven to the Kiley-Odum Hunt Club, unwrapped, and left in an isolated area of the property. (Dies CD; mentioned DD)

  Fangtasia: “Shreveport’s Premier Vampire Bar” is located in a suburban shopping area of Shreveport, Louisiana, set in a strip mall not far from a Sam’s Discount Center and a Toys “R” Us. The club is currently owned by vampires Eric Northman and Pam Ravenscroft. Its façade is painted steel gray, with a red main door, and a red neon sign proclaims the business’s name. That color scheme continues in the interior, which is done in gray, red, and black with dim lighting. The atmosphere is enhanced by female employees in long black dresses and framed pictures of movie vampires on the walls. The clientele mainly consists of fangbangers and tourists visiting for the thrill of seeing a real vampire up close. Other supes unrevealed to the public frequent the bar as well. As part of the fealty owed to Eric as sheriff of Area Five, many of his vampires are required to put in hours on display at the bar, and he often sits at a table or booth himself.

  Patrons are greeted at the entrance by a vampire at a lectern who takes the cover charge and shows them to their seats, and there are also stools at the bar. Spread around the main area are a number of placards with rules and warnings, such as NO BITING ON PREMISES, CONDUCT YOUR PERSONAL BUSINESS ELSEWHERE, and YOUR PATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. There is an area for a band and a gift shop for souvenirs, including T-shirts and the Fangtasia calendars. The bar is open six nights a week, Tuesday through Sunday, from six p.m. on, although the vampires do not appear until after full dark. Along with the area vampires, Fangtasia has a number of human employees who are covered by a group health insurance policy.

  The club hosts a rare concert by Bubba, given to lure Victor Madden and his crew to their deaths. (DUD, LDID, DTTW, DN, DAAD, ATD, DAG, DITF, DR; mentioned CD, DD, L, FDTW, TB)

  Fant, Octavia (witch): Amelia’s witch mentor and head of her coven, Octavia can look and behave like a sweet, elderly African American grandmother when she chooses. She lost everything in Hurricane Katrina and is staying with her niece in nearby Monroe when she finally finds her student at Sookie’s house. Amelia’s coven is upset because Amelia used transformational magic when she accidentally turned Bob Jessup into a cat and has been unable to turn him back. Octavia herself apparently fails in her attempts to return Bob to human form. Although disapproving, Octavia helps Amelia perform an ectoplasmic reconstruction to find the murderer of Maria-Star Cooper. The two witches work together again to rid Tanya Grissom of Sandra Pelt’s influence so that she will stop causing trouble for Sookie and for Jason and Crystal, and Sookie invites Octavia to move in as a favor to Amelia. Octavia finally changes Bob back, admitting that her first attempts failed on purpose and that she left him that way so Amelia and Sookie would need her and allow her to stay. Octavia is eventually found by her boyfriend, Louis Chambers, a powerful man in his own right, who has been looking for her since Katrina. He comes to Bon Temps to take Octavia home with him to New Orleans. (FDTW, DAG; mentioned ATD, DITF, DR)

  Farrell (vampire): No other name given. Farrell dresses like a cowboy and drinks like a vampire. Lured into the bathroom of the Bat’s Wing bar by Godfrey, Farrell is taken prisoner by the Fellowship of the Sun, who plan to force him to be an unwilling partner to Godfrey’s decision to meet the dawn. Farrell is rescued by Bill and the Dallas vamps as they search for Sookie. (LDID)

  Fay: No last name given. Halleigh’s sister Fay is one of her bridesmaids. (FDTW)

  Fedor (vampire): No last name given. Along with Velislava, one of many vampires known by both Eric and Ocella and killed by the Bolsheviks. (Deceased; mentioned DITF)

  Feith, Henrik (vampire): Henrik Feith is down in the lobby complaining about towels when Jennifer Cater and the other two Arkansas vamps at the summit are murdered in their hotel room. Sophie-Anne offers him a place in her entourage, but he is misled about her intentions and continues the suit against her for his king’s death. After Sophie-Anne is declared innocent, Henrik is dispatched with an arrow thrown by a vampire onlooker before he can announce who has been lying to him. (Dies ATD)

  Felicia (vampire): No last name given. The lovely Felicia is still too new to understand Pam’s humor when she is sent by Pam to introduce herself to Sookie. Though she prefers the company of women, Felicia becomes involved with Bobby Burnham, Eric’s daytime guy. Whether the romance is rooted in attraction or politics is unknown. Eric surmises that Felicia has been planted in Louisiana as a spy.

  Whatever her true allegiance, Felicia dutifully follows Eric’s orders, helping Bill with the database and even giving him blood. Both her romance and her career as a spy are ended when she and Bobby become victims of Alexei’s madness. (DD, ATD, DAG; dies DITF; mentioned DR)

  Fellowship of the Sun (FotS): A militant anti-vampire organization, the FotS is the fastest-growing cult in America and is dedicated to the elimination of vampires from society. Founded by G. Steve Newlin and his wife, Sarah, the movement has several branches and holds services preaching intolerance of the undead and condemning the humans who have any type of contact with vampires. Their most lucrative location, in Dallas, is raided by the FBI and shut down when the raid uncovers a basement dungeon complete with silver chains, weapons adapted to shoot wooden stakes, and the dead body of a Fellowship enforcer. Members of the FotS attack a vampire celebration in retaliation, killing several vampires and human participants. The assault prompts calls for legislation beneficial to vampires, and forces Steve and Sarah to go underground to continue spreading their message against the undead and promoting their program of eradication. The main organization publicly claims not to be involved in any violent incidents and is quick to deny responsibility for the bombing of the vampire summit in Rhodes that killed not just vampires but humans, including many employees of the Pyramid of Gizeh. The Fellowship blames a splinter group that has its own agenda.

  The FotS targets shifters after their reveal as well, encouraging protests and surreptitiously inciting violence against them and those associating with them. (LDID; mentioned CD, DAAD, DD, OWA, ATD, FDTW, DAG, STW)

  Flood, James (wolf): Retired Air Force colonel James Flood serves as the Shreveport packmaster, leading the Long Tooth pack in the Witch War against Hallow and her coven of Were witches. It is he who names Sookie a “friend of the pack” after she brings news of the coven to Alcide. His death in a car accident sparks the contest between Jackson Herveaux and Patrick Furnan. (DTTW, DN; dies; mentioned DAAD, DD)

  Foley, Buck: Buck is briefly one of Arlene’s beaus. (CD)

  Fortenberry, Ed: Shy and quiet Ed lets his wife do most of the talking. (FDTW)

  Fortenberry, Hoyt: Jason’s best friend, Hoyt is loyal to a fault and feels lost when Jason marries Crystal. He soon recovers and becomes involved with Holly Cleary, happily including both Holly and her son in his life as he asks her to marry him. (DUD, LDID, DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DITF; mentioned DAG, DR)

  Fortenberry, Maxine: Large and formidable, Maxine has a heart of gold and genuine affection for Sookie and Jason. She does what she can to help out in her community, be it taking Sookie’s laundry for a washing to rid it of the smell of smoke after her house fire, organizing refreshments during the search party for Jason, or arranging meals for displaced Katrina evacuees. She is thrilled when her son Hoyt begins dating Holly Cleary, welcoming Holly and her son into her life. (DUD, DTTW, DAAD, ATD, FDT
W, DITF, DR; mentioned CD)

  Fowler, Arlene: Fellow Merlotte’s waitress Arlene is the closest thing to a friend Sookie has for a long time. She acknowledges Sookie’s ability and expects Sookie to respect her enough to keep out of her head. Married four times, Arlene is constantly on the lookout for number five but doesn’t have good judgment when it comes to men. She is dating Rene Lenier, one of her previous husbands, while he is on his murderous spree. Always a follower, Arlene adapts to the man she is interested in, and soon finds herself involved with the Fellowship of the Sun simply because her onetime beau Rafe Prudhomme is involved. She switches her affections to Whit Spradlin, becoming more and more militant about her dislike of vampires. When the shifters reveal themselves, she quits work and leaves Merlotte’s.

  She pretends to extend an olive branch to Sookie and invites her over to her trailer, but it is all part of a plot to enable Whit and his friend Donny Boling to crucify Sookie in the same manner as Crystal as an example of what happens to those that fraternize with supes. Sookie is able to zero in on the plot while suspiciously scoping out the trailer, and calls the police. Arlene is wounded in the shoot-out with law enforcement and arrested. (DUD, LDID, CD, DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DAG; mentioned DITF)

  Fowler, Coby: Arlene’s son is very fond of his “aunt” Sookie, who often babysits him and his sister, Lisa. When he finds out that Sookie has a boyfriend, protective Coby tells her that Bill better be nice to her, but relaxes after meeting the vampire. As Sookie’s world expands and Arlene’s narrows, Sookie loses touch with Coby and Lisa, who are taken away by Helen Ellis as Whit and Donny wait to carry out their plan. (DUD, DAG; mentioned CD, DAAD, DITF)


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