The Sookie Stackhouse Companion Read online

Page 51

  Stonebrook, Marnie “Hallow” (wolf/witch): Hallow and her brother, Mark, are Weres who practice witchcraft and drink vampire blood. They arrive in Shreveport with their coven, planning to take over Eric’s businesses. During the negotiations, Chow assaults the witch representative, triggering a spell that poofs Eric out of his office and gives him amnesia, leaving him running down the road near Sookie’s house with no shirt or shoes. Hallow’s spell doesn’t work as she planned, and she has no idea where Eric is. Determined to find him, she induces some local witches and Wiccans to help out. When the Were witches attack and kill the Shreveport pack’s second-in-command, the local Weres join the vampires in an unprecedented alliance to rid themselves of the coven. Together they stage an attack on the Stonebrooks’ headquarters. Mark and most of the coven members are killed in the battle, leaving only Hallow and one badly injured witch alive. Pam forces Hallow to reveal that her parents (witches who ran confidence games) were abandoned by the supe community when they were incarcerated and that this fueled Hallow’s desire for vengeance on both the Shreveport vamps and Weres. Before killing her, Pam also forces Hallow to reverse the spell on Eric, restoring him to his normal state of mind, and he returns to Shreveport to take control of his area once again. (Dies DTTW; mentioned DAG)

  Summerlin, Albert: Albert is around sixteen years old in the 1930s when his neighbor Isaiah Wechsler is murdered in his bed. Having recently had a fight with Isaiah, Albert is the prime suspect, but nothing is ever proven, and eventually the speculation dies down. Albert marries, has children, and raises them in the family home. (Deceased; mentioned IIHAH)

  Summerlin, Bucky: Bucky, a descendant of Albert, sells the family home to Tara. (Mentioned IIHAH)

  Summerlin, Carter: Carter is about thirteen in the 1930s when his older brother gets into a fight with neighbor Isaiah Wechsler over Isaiah’s cruel words about Carter. Carter murders Isaiah with a hammer and kills himself the following week. His family secretly buries him in the yard, telling everyone that he has been sent to live with relatives. When the hammer is discovered during renovations to the home—now owned by Tara and JB du Rone—Carter’s spirit reawakens until Sookie and the du Rones’ nanny are able to discover the truth about the murder. His remains are unearthed, and he is laid to rest in Sookie’s family plot. (Deceased; mentioned IIHAH)

  Summerlin, Daisy and Hiram: Daisy and Hiram secretly bury their youngest son, Carter, in the yard when he commits suicide after killing neighbor Isaiah Wechsler. In order to protect the family’s name, they then announce that Carter has been sent to live with relatives. The couple loses their only daughter to scarlet fever, but their oldest son, Albert, marries and raises his own children in the family home. (Deceased; mentioned IIHAH)

  Suskin, Cindy Lou (vampire): Kansas City vamp Cindy Lou wants a child. Since she can’t have her own, she is granted permission by the parents of a dying preteen to turn him into a vampire. The legal agreement gives the parents visitation rights with their now eternally undead child, an agreement that Cindy Lou and the boy are not honoring. They are brought before a judicial panel at the summit in Rhodes and told to abide by their legal arrangement with the parents. (ATD)

  Synthetic blood: Developed by the Japanese as a medical adjunct for emergency rooms and surgical procedures, this discovery turns out to be the key to the vampire nation revealing its existence to the rest of humanity. It satisfies all the nutritional needs of vampires, thus allowing them to appear to be far less of a threat to humans than they have traditionally been. Synthetic blood needs to be kept refrigerated before use and is usually warmed up in a microwave before being drunk. Marketed under brand names such as Life Flow and TrueBlood, the latter having become an almost generic designation for the product, it is available in various blood types. As with any product, there is a variety of quality and price, ranging from low-end Red Stuff to Royalty, a part-synthetic, part-real blood mixture that includes actual blood from European royalty. (DUD, LDID, CD, DTTW, DN, DAAD, OWA, DD, ATD, L, FDTW, GW, DAG, TB, DITF, DR)


  Talbot: No other name given. Talbot is Russell Edgington’s steady human companion until Russell’s marriage to fellow vampire Bartlett Crowe. (CD; mentioned DAAD)

  Tallie, Benedict “Eggs”: Tara’s fiancé, Eggs, shows an unhealthy interest in Eric when Sookie and the vampire show up at the orgy by the lake. Despite his drunken lust, he survives Callisto’s madness, only to die shortly thereafter in a fire. (Dies LDID; mentioned DAAD)

  Tepes, Vlad (vampire): The infamous Dracula, Vlad III was a bloodthirsty Wallachian king nicknamed Vlad the Impaler for his practice of impaling his enemies on large wooden stakes. After he was turned and rose on the island of Snagov, he continued to live like a king and is credited with being the first modern vampire. (Mentioned DN, DAG)

  Terence (wolf): No last name given. The packmaster of the Jackson pack, Terence is not pleased when one of his Jackson Weres blames Alcide for causing trouble at Josephine’s. His displeasure at Alcide is mitigated when he is informed that his Were, Jerry Falcon, drew blood when he grabbed Sookie, but he still wants Alcide out of his territory as soon as possible. (CD)

  Terrell: No last name given. Terrell and his friend Chuck taunt Sookie about Bill’s absence on New Year’s Eve. (DTTW)

  Thalia (vampire): No last name given. Thalia is very old and very moody. She was thrown out of Illinois for aggressiveness after the Great Revelation and was allowed by Eric to take up residence in Area Five in exchange for her presence at Fangtasia and her promise of good behavior. Despite (or because of) her obvious disdain for the humans who flock to her, Thalia has a website devoted to her, established and maintained by her avid fans. The ancient vampire is uncharacteristically happy to participate in the planned attack on Victor and his crew at Fangtasia, first discreetly offering a drink to Ana Lyudmila that permanently decommissions her, then launching herself at Victor’s second when the fight begins. When Akiro is able to hack off Thalia’s arm, she promptly picks it up and hits him with it as Heidi joins in, stabbing Akiro through the neck. Eric finishes the job when Akiro refuses to surrender. Thalia is so old that her ability to regenerate is not limited to the growing of new limbs but also applies to the reattachment of old. Indira holds the severed limb to Thalia’s shoulder while Thalia drinks from a willing Immanuel. (DN, DAAD, ATD, DAG, DR)

  Thomasina: No last name given. Thomasina works for Herveaux and Son but takes a bribe to reveal bids to a competitor. (Mentioned CD)

  Thornton, Myrna: Myrna and her husband were both abusive alcoholics who put their children (including Sookie’s friend Tara) through hell. (Deceased; mentioned DTTW, DAAD, DAG)

  Thrash, David (wolf): The lieutenant governor of Louisiana, David and his wife are guests at Sophie-Anne’s ball at the monastery. When Sookie warns David’s wife that there will be trouble, they have one dance, then leave. (DD)

  Thrash, Genevieve (wolf): The wife of Lieutenant Governor David Thrash, she accompanies him to Sophie-Anne’s ball at the monastery. Sookie warns Genevieve that there will probably be problems, so she feigns a headache. They have one dance and then leave before the melee begins. (DD)

  Threadgill, Peter (vampire): The vampire King of Arkansas, Peter Threadgill pursues Sophie-Anne, who finally agrees to marry him. Once the contract is signed, he becomes dissatisfied with their purely political marriage and plots to get Sophie-Anne to break their covenant, thereby forfeiting her state and wealth. When his scheme to discredit her fails, he has one of his vampires instigate a fight with her bodyguard Wybert, decapitating him and beginning the battle between Louisiana and Arkansas that ultimately results in Peter’s demise at Andre’s hands. (Dies DD; mentioned ATD, FDTW)

  Tiffany: No last name given. Halleigh’s bridesmaid Tiffany suffers an attack of appendicitis just before the wedding and is rushed to the hospital, leaving Sookie to take her place in the bridal party. Fortunately, Halleigh gets the dress off her before she leaves. (Mentioned FDTW)

  Tijgerin (tiger): No other name
given. Tijgerin, recently transferred from the European division of Special Events, teams up with Quinn to lead the Merlottes to the church for Craig and Deidra’s wedding. She joins the shifters afterward at the Merlottes’ impromptu party. She is happy to meet another weretiger (a male!) while she gains the “American experience” her company wants for her, and she informs Sookie that there were demonstrations in the Netherlands that were just as bad as anything being faced in the States. (STW)

  Tom: No last name given. Tom is a news anchor for a Dallas station. (LDID)

  Tonnesen, Dr. Linda: Dr. Tonnesen pronounces Jeff Marriot officially dead at Sookie’s house after the fire. Although not a drinker, she occasionally stops in Merlotte’s. (DAAD, DITF; mentioned DR)

  Tony: No last name given. Tony played high school football with his friend Sam Merlotte, and their friendship continues to this day. Though off duty, the deputy accompanies his partner, Sister Mendoza, to Bernie’s house to keep watch while the family attends the wedding rehearsal. (STW)

  Tooten, Charlsie: Good-natured Charlsie subs at Merlotte’s until her oldest daughter has a baby, when she leaves to spend time with her grandchild. (DUD, CD, DITF; mentioned LDID, DTTW, DAAD, DD, DAG)

  Tooten, Ralph: Charlsie’s husband, Ralph, quits his job at the chicken processing plant and buys the Crawdad Diner, but his arthritis soon forces him to sell to Pinkie Arnett. (DUD, LDID, DAAD; mentioned DTTW, DITF)

  Travis (wolf): No last name given. A lone wolf unaffiliated with any pack, Travis is a trucker who stops by Merlotte’s every two weeks or so. (STW)

  Tray Dawson’s engine repair shop: No name given. A one-man operation, Dawson’s small engine repair shop is located alongside his home out in the country between Hotshot and Grainger. (FDTW, DAG; mentioned DAAD, ATD)

  Trout, Julian (witch): When the summit is conveniently postponed until after Hurricane Katrina lays waste to New Orleans, Sookie wonders if one of the other kings or queens has a weather witch who was able to predict the hurricane and therefore delay the summit to force Sophie-Anne and the Louisiana vampires to attend in a weakened position. Her supposition turns out to be true: The culprit is Julian Trout, the Rhodes Channel 7 weatherman. He attends the summit ball with his wife, Olive, and is guided by first Sookie and then Carla and Gervaise to Sophie-Anne’s attention. Fortunately, Sophie-Anne believes that Julian was a pawn who didn’t understand exactly what his information would be used for, and she promises Sookie she will not harm the Trouts. (ATD)

  Trout, Olive: The wife of the Channel 7 weatherman in Rhodes, Olive is unaware of her husband’s involvement with the vampires who postponed the summit based on his prediction of Hurricane Katrina. (ATD)

  Twining, Charles (vampire): Pirate vampire Charles is sent to Louisiana by his grand-sire Hot Rain to retaliate against Eric for the death of Hot Rain’s child Long Shadow. Eric believes that Charles has come to Louisiana from Mississippi, where he was employed by King Russell Edgington. After listening to local gossip, Charles decides that killing Eric’s beloved Sookie will be an appropriate revenge. Eric inadvertently plays right into Hot Rain’s hands by sending Charles to Bon Temps when Sam needs a temporary bartender. Charles then finagles an invitation from Sookie to stay at her house, and he sets the place on fire. He’s already killed a human who has been set up to take the blame. Sookie’s fairy godmother rescues the unsuspecting Sookie, and the fire is put out. It isn’t until Charles sees Bubba and comments that he’s never heard him sing that Sookie realizes Charles could not have been in Russell’s employ and thus is not who he has claimed to be, since Bubba did perform for Russell and his vamps. Charles makes a desperate attempt to kill Sookie at Merlotte’s, but the attempt is thwarted when she stuffs a silver chain in his mouth, giving the bar regulars time to overpower him. Admitting that he failed in his task and preferring final death to imprisonment, Charles is staked by Catfish Hennessy. (Dies DAAD; mentioned DR)


  Unknown Enemy Vamp #1: No name given. One of two young vampires who attend Bubba’s concert at Fangtasia, #1 is killed by Bill during the brawl. (Dies DR)

  Unknown Enemy Vamp #2: No name given. The second of two young vampires who attend the performance at Fangtasia. A hefty man turned while in his thirties, #2 grapples with a tiring Palomino while Parker stabs him from behind with an ice pick until he is beheaded by Mustapha Khan. (Dies DR)


  Valentine (vampire): No last name given. Valentine and Charity are sent by Sophie-Anne to investigate St. Louis Cemetery #1 after Waldo reports that he and Hadley were attacked by Fellowship of the Sun members. They find no trace of humans at the site. (Mentioned OWA)

  Vampire database: At the request of Queen of Louisiana Sophie-Anne Leclerq, Bill Compton has developed an extensive database to allow for the identification of as many vampires as possible with as much information on each as he can gather. Bill has traveled as far away as Peru and (it is presumed) to other countries to interview vampires for the project. The value of the information, or perhaps the profit potential, contained in this database is considered so great that Bill is kidnapped and tortured to get it before he can turn it over to the queen. Later, at her behest, he makes copies of it available in the dealer’s room at the Rhodes conference, for a steep price. He then sets up a home business to sell the database on the Internet. (CD, DTTW, DAAD, ATD, FDTW, DITF)

  Vampire’s Kiss: The lights of Vampire’s Kiss, which is located off an exit ramp in the middle of nowhere between Bon Temps and Shreveport, shine brightly to attract customers. Victor Madden’s vampire club is decorated in a tacky bordello theme with dark wood, flocked wallpaper, red velvet, and leather, with images of Elvis scattered throughout. The vampire employees dress in a caveman–sex slave fashion, while the human employees are clad in skimpy leather outfits. Live music is provided by a vampire band playing a mix of blues and rock. (DR)

  Vardamon, Judith (vampire): Lorena’s other child is wary when Sookie contacts her on Bill’s behalf, but she happily helps him recover from silver poisoning after she learns of their maker’s final death. Judith feared Lorena, who turned her to keep Bill’s interest when she realized Judith resembled Bill’s late wife. Judith and Bill originally parted ways because of her unhealthy obsession with him, and that infatuation leads to another parting when Judith accepts that Bill will never love her as she desires. (DITF, DR; mentioned STW)

  Vasco, Jenny: When asked by Sookie if he knows any children with visible problems, Hunter tells her about Jenny, who has a birthmark on her face. (Mentioned DITF)

  Vaudry, Elmer Claire: Elmer Claire, a teacher at Betty Ford Elementary, delights in bawdy comments at Halleigh’s shower. She has an ancient white Persian cat and innocently suggests that Amelia have Bob the cat neutered when they are both at the vet’s one day. (ATD, DR)

  Velasquez, Joseph (vampire): Stan’s loyal second, Joseph survives the Pyramid explosion that badly injures his king. He continues to hold Texas while Stan recovers, although he will surely face challenges. For now, at least, Texas has been bypassed in Felipe’s bid for power. (LDID, ATD)

  Velislava (vampire): No last name given. One of many vampires known by both Eric and Ocella who was killed by the Bolsheviks. (Deceased; mentioned DITF)

  Verena Rose’s Bridal and Formal Shop: Founded by Verena Rose Yancy, Verena Rose’s Bridal and Formal Shop is now in the hands of her daughter, Adabelle. It is located in a two-story house with a large bay window in the front, on a block filled with similar older homes. It’s set a little back from the street, with parking behind the store. The renovated building has an elegant appearance: white-painted brick, dark green shutters, glossy black ironwork railings on the stairs, and brass details on the door. It is considered the place to come to get wedding gear if a family has aspirations of class. (DAAD)

  Vick, Glen: Portia’s husband, Glen, is an accountant whose clientele includes vampires, several of whom were invited to his wedding, much to his new wife’s dismay. Less than a year after their wedding, he and Portia are pleased t
o learn that they are expecting their first child. (DAAD, FDTW; mentioned DD, ATD, DITF, DR)

  Vick, Portia Bellefleur: Lawyer Portia Bellefleur is intelligent, educated, from a good family, and fiercely loyal to her brother. Although completely unnerved by vampires, she bravely pursues Bill while trying to prove her brother Andy’s innocence in the murder of Lafayette Reynold. She hopes that her association with a vampire will encourage the orgy participants Lafayette spoke of to invite her to a party so she can learn their identities. Bill, though no fan of the Bellefleurs, finds something noble in her and plays along, but it is Sookie who gets the invitation and clears Andy’s name. Portia’s bravery comes through again as she scrambles to help Sookie when she is shot in the library parking lot, crouching beside Sookie as she phones for help.

  Portia happily plans a double wedding when her boyfriend, Glen Vick, proposes around the same time Andy proposes to Halleigh Robinson. The wedding plans change as her grandmother becomes ill, but Portia is determined to have her wedding while her grandmother is alive to attend. Her plans work out.

  When Bill delivers the family Bible to a dying Caroline and his connection to the Bellefleurs is revealed, Portia, though nonplussed, strives to behave with the graciousness of her grandmother and, at his request, arranges to have Caroline’s funeral at night so that Bill can attend. Soon after that, she and Glen are excited to find out that Portia is pregnant. (DUD, LDID, DTTW, DAAD, DD, ATD, FDTW, DITF; mentioned CD, DR)


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